“I’m sick of fear. So come on you freak. You want me. Here I am!” I yelled and stood my ground. I held my ground ready to protect myself. Ready to fight him off if I needed to. I had entered the darkest of all places in this hell we call a mind. I had been broken. And here I stand. I had nothing to fear now. “If you’re going to kill me then come on. I will die on my feet.” I told him and he laughed as he started walking towards me again.

            “As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death….” He started and my mind was racing and my heart was racing. I spoke a good game but I was scared still. I was fearful. I didn’t want to die. I don’t think anything ever wants to die. “This is why you lose.” Someone was behind me and whispered though words in my head and laughed. I felt something heavy and hard hit me in the head and I went down.

            Everything was blurry as I was being pulled. I turned my head to the side and I could see someone’s feet beside me. I could feel myself being dragged by my feet. Then they stopped and I was pulled to my feet. My eyes focused as I looked at the one holding on to me. My eyes widen at the sight of him. When at last I knew what Ian he had been.

            “You….but why?” I hissed as he pushed me in a room.

            “Because.” He laughed and shut the door. I slammed against it trying to get out. Trying to open it but I couldn’t I was locked inside. I had been locked away in one of the rooms inside of the mind. I turned to see that there was nothing in this room just darkness waiting for me.

            “Let me out!” I yelled. “LET ME OUT!” I slammed against the door as I banned on it as I begged to be free but all I heard was his laughter echoing down the hall and in my mind.


  My eyes opened and I was in our bed room. I was in control of the body but at the same time someone else was as well. I frowned because it wasn’t like how I feel when I share the body. Or should I say it isn’t like how it was when I try and take the body. Or when Nian tries to take the body. We were sharing it. I had my own thoughts. My own will. But at the same time it was his will that was controlling everything. I had no say over what we were doing.

            I looked down at Kennedy and frowned because she was still there. Her blood had pooled out to the floor. It was on my feet. I could feel her blood coat the bottom of my feet. I had thought that we were wearing shoes. I was sure that we were. After all Nian had planned to run away. That was why we came back to the house. So that we could leave. So that we could run away. But here we stood.

            I looked at the two weapons in our hand. It was a weird choice. The machete sure it was one of Nian favorite toys. But the gun wasn’t really our style. I couldn’t think of one Ian that used a gun. I couldn’t think of what happened. How had I come here? Why was I the one in control of the body right now?

            What did I remember? I remember Dian telling us to run. I remember the black door opening. I remember everything going black. Nian pushed me to go faster. His own mind was shattered having saw Kennedy kill herself but he told me and Dian to hurry. He told us that he would hold it off. I remember protesting. He cuss at me and told me to hurry. I helped Dian. We left Nian behind though.

            I licked my lips not at all liking how sweet the mouth tasted. Not liking at all what it meant when we tasted something weird. Where were the others? Kennedy had shot herself. There was noise. There was the sound of the gun going off. So where were the others? I knew they were home. Of course they were home. Hiding from me?  Hiding in their rooms hoping that I had had my fill for the night.

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