“Dian is breaking and Nian needs rest.” I answered and then looked over at her because I was wondering why I was talking to her. I was wondering why I was giving her the time of day. “Where is your sister?” I asked her and she looked over at me this time.

            “Why do you care?”

            “You don’t want to play with me but I bet she does.” I answered smiling at her. I hated this girl. I hated this Mischa. I couldn’t get to her. I wanted to get in her head. I wanted to get under her skin but she looked at me with the same look on her face as if she didn’t care. As if she wasn’t even interested in talking to me and she pissed me off.

            I rolled my shoulders as I felt a heaviness fall over me. Nian probably pushing at the body so that he could spend time with his little girlfriend. But it was my turn now. I was a good boy just like he asked. I waited for my turn and now that I had it there was no way that I was going to let him take it from me. There was no way that I was going to pass up on the body just because he wanted to play with Mischa.

            “If Nian was the only Ian inside of there I could have him all the time.”

            “If Nian was the only Ian inside of here he would be the True-Ian.” I answered and she shrugged as if she didn’t care about the point that I was making. The sense of heaviness grew as the second ticked by. It grew as Mischa and I sat there silent neither one of us enjoying the other’s company but we didn’t walk away either. I looked down at my arm the cut that I made had stop bleeding already and the stings from the pain was gone.

            That bitch came along and I couldn’t even enjoy it. I wanted to have fun and Mischa was ruining everything for me. I wanted her to just go away. I wanted to enjoy this. No I wanted to find Maya. I wanted to play my game. I wanted to play the game that Yoru had taught me so well. I stood up and her eyes followed me. I put my dagger away and she looked at me

            “Where are you going?” she asked me.

            “If you won’t play with me I will just have to find someone that will.” I said and started to walk away.

            “Evian. If you hurt him I will kill you.” She called after me and I waved a hand at her as I walked on.

            “You kill me you kill Nian.” I called back shoving my hands in my pocket and walking away. Back to my endless wondering through the streets looking for a playmate. Looking for my Maya. I went to their house but she wasn’t home. I wondered where it was that she had gone to. Then I smiled because I knew already. I turned around walking the other way. My body light again as I moved with proposes down the street. I was going to have fun. I was going to have a ball.

            I came to the place our secret place as we called it when we were younger. When I was free and I could go where I wanted. I could control the body when I wanted and no one ever cared what I did. No one ever tried to stop me. That was the good thing about not belonging. I didn’t fit on the right side of the brain and I didn’t belong on the left side either. And so while they were fighting over who turn it was next I got to slip through and take control. Those days were over since Nian ruled over all. Or at least while the right side of the brain was tainted and not being ruled by anyone.

            Our secret place was nothing special but then again we were children when we found it. Some abandon toy factory where we found the two dolls that she and her sister had. I went in and walked around in the darkness. I thought about calling out to her to Maya my Maya but then I wanted to surprise her. To come up behind her and make her bleed. It was always more fun when the other person didn’t know that the game had started yet.

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