Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue

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Summary: When Alex matches with Perrie on Tinder and finds out that she likes poetry, he asks his friend Jade to write love poems on his behalf. Little does he know that Jade has been harbouring her own secret crush on the new girl in school.

Jade sits cross-legged on the couch, half watching the movie playing on the TV and half paying attention to her phone. She hasn't swiped right even once; a consequence of the high standards her friends constantly blame for her lack of a romantic life.

But those, she knows, are qualms for another day. Right now, she's swiping left and left, indifferent in one way or another to all the people she comes across. It's not based on looks alone – some she wants to swipe right for, but then reads their descriptions and changes her mind.

That is, until she comes across Perrie Edwards.

Her age, blonde hair and striking blue eyes, with a dimple on her cheek. A charming smile and a beautiful figure. Then she reads the profile and she's halfway in love with the girl. Just before her thumb can make contact with the screen to swipe right, however, her friend's voice stops her.

"Hey, Jade?"

Her thumb hovers over the screen. All it takes is a swipe of her finger, but she hesitates for some reason. "Yes, Alex?"

"What's the new girl's name again? The nerdy one?"

"Penny," Leigh-Anne answers in her stead, and from the corner of her eye she can see Alex frown.

"Isn't it Perrie?"

"Nope. Pretty sure it's Penny."

"It is Perrie," Jade corrects firmly, with the certainty of someone whose phone is shining with her crush's name and picture at this very moment. Still her thumb hovers. "Why do you ask?"

"We just matched on Tinder."

Jade swipes left and closes the app.


Perrie has attended her school for three months, three weeks, and three days. Jade knows this because she's counting. She has been from the moment Perrie introduced herself to the class on the very first class of her very first day, and Jade has been crushing on her ever since.

She knows Perrie was quick to become president of the chess club. Perrie is a straight-A student and captain of the Mathletics team. All things Jade admires, although some would prefer to shrug it off and label Perrie as a 'nerd'.

They have talked briefly – a shy smile here and there, a word hello or goodbye. The longest interaction was when Perrie dropped her apple in the canteen and Jade picked it up for her and said, "You dropped your apple."

Four whole words that drew a timid smile from pink lips. Then Perrie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and replied, "Thanks, Jade."

Jade smiled for the rest of the day.

As it turns out, though, picking up your crush's apple in real life does not have the same effect as in Twilight. Neither did Jade's skin turn sparkly all of a sudden.

It is with that thought that she shuts the door of her locker on Monday morning, only to find Alex's puppy dog eyes behind it.


He follows her down the hall like he can barely contain his great, new idea. Jade can barely wait to shut it down.

"I need you to do me a favor." She stops, looks him down with a raised eyebrow. Alex does not usually ask for favors, much less this tentatively. His hopeful grimace is further clue that she is not going to like it. "It's a huge one."

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