I Wish It Was Me

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Summary: Perrie gets upset and jealous when she hears that Jade has a date, she just doesn't realize the date is meant to be with her.

Despite the fact that Perrie is currently cuddled up on the couch, food littering the table in front of her, she still feels miserable.

Not even Leigh-Anne and her favourite food can make her feel better this evening.

The words "dress" and "flowers", "dinner" and "date" and "it has to be perfect" flash through her mind again and that only makes her feel worse.

She knows she shouldn't have been eavesdropped to listen to Jade's conversation earlier, but she hadn't meant to. She'd been excited to see her, she rode the elevator up to Jade's apartment where she was picking her up for lunch, using her spare key Jade had given her rather than knock on the door.

But then she'd accidentally overheard part of the conversation Jade had been having on the phone, a conversation that had instantly turned her from excited to heartbroken with just a few words, causing her to flee from the apartment without a word, only to send a quick text message to Jade to cancel their lunch.

Because Jade has a date, one that's not with her.

And she's happy for her, she really is, all she wants in the world is for Jade to be happy, but she'd had the stupid notion that maybe she could be the one to make Jade happy.

There's always been this thing between them, something from the first day they met and has only grown since. There are all the looks, the lingering touches and smiles so soft that they fill Perrie's chest with warmth every single time.

Or so she'd thought, anyway.

It's apparent now that Jade only sees them as friends, she always has, and that thought alone has Perrie's heart breaking.

"How about some ice cream?" Leigh-Anne asks from where she's curled up next to her friend, her knee digging comfortingly into Perrie's thigh. "I think I saw some in your freezer before."

She's been trying to cheer the blonde up all evening, ever since Perrie had told the other girl what had happened and Leigh-Anne had invited herself over for an impromptu girls night.

It's not working.

"No thanks, I'm okay."

"Perrie, you never turn down ice cream," Leigh-Anne says. "I'll get us all some if you want, I don't mind."

Perrie shakes her head again. "I was saving it for the next movie night for Jade, it's cookie dough, her favourite."

She feels worse when she realizes that Jade should be here now, at movie night with the two of them. And she would be, Perrie would've invited her, except for the fact that Jade is the reason for this current movie night. She's probably on her date right now anyway.

She wonders for a brief moment who Jade could be on a date with, but she doesn't want to think about that, that's only going to make things worse, so she pushes it from her mind.

Perrie can feel the way Leigh-Anne looks at her with sad eyes. She doesn't comment though, she knows her friend is just trying to help.

"Did I tell you Andre and I are planning to get a dog?" Leigh-Anne asks, trying to change the subject.

That catches Perrie's attention. "A dog?"

"Yeah," Leigh-Anne says, and Perrie turns to look over at her. "We're just trying to decide on a name before we get one. He wants to name it Hulk of all things which I hope he's not serious about, but I'm definitely against so we're stuck until we can find something we both like."

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