Piece of Art

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Summary: Jade finds herself drawn to a woman she spots wandering in her museum, unknowing the object of her interest is a famed model, Perrie Edwards. (mature)

(PS. This time I didn't skip the smut (at least not twice) 🙈)

The museum had been quiet. Jade took to walking when that happened, finally getting to enjoy the art she meticulously curated. Mostly it was all paperwork and legal fees and exhibition durations; not exactly the creative outlet she had imagined in college.

But when the museum was quieter, that was when Jade remembered why she loved her job.

She could finally take in the artwork she'd fought so hard to secure; see the way people reacted to it, were touched by it, see how impactful different mediums could be.

Jade loved to see it all.

What she did not anticipate, however, was seeing her.

A blonde girl was staring at a new exhibition, a Kaari Upson piece that always made something in Jade ache. The girl kept turning her head from side to side, as though the sculpture would reveal its true meaning at a different angle.

She was dressed casually, too casually for the museum. She was clearly someone that had just wandered in. But still she, circled around the artwork as though it was challenging her; she refused to let it best her.

"It's something, isn't it?"

Jade didn't recall walking over, sidling up beside her, but suddenly she was next to the woman who had distracted her more than the art.

The blonde didn't seem startled. Only frustrated.

"I don't get modern art," she huffed, pacing around the piece. "I want to, I want to get this, but it just looks like a pile of garbage."

Jade almost felt offended; it was the first reaction she had. Anger that this happenstance observer couldn't fathom why someone had poured themselves into a creation. But then she realized that the blonde was right; it was technically a pile of garbage. And it wasn't as though she was writing it off, she wanted to understand.

"I think it is a commentary on society as a whole; consumption after consumption can change us, rot us."

The blonde paused, her hands moving to her hips as she fixed her eyes on the sculpture. "I still think it's a pile of trash."

Jade felt slapped. She looked up, ready to fight, and saw the girl's face for the first time. She was absolutely gorgeous. Jade was annoyed at how pretty she was, how calm she seemed, how she just flippantly wrote off a piece that took Jade weeks to secure.

"I think I'll head to the next wing – gotta be something better somewhere in here."

She gave Jade a beautiful smile, one that clearly indicated she was either completely oblivious or diabolically aware of how offended she'd made Jade, and then she was off, walking toward the next exhibit.

Jade was left standing with her mouth open, eyes still focused on the spot the where the girl had just been.


Jade whirled around, and marched after her, following the girl who was swiftly weaving through a collection of sculptures by Auguste Rodin without even looking at them.

It made Jade's blood boil.

"Excuse me," she called softly, trying to grab the blonde's attention without disturbing the other few patrons. No one seemed to be paying her any mind, too engrossed in the art, and while that normally would fill Jade with a deep sense of pride, all she could think about at the moment was trying to stop the girl heading for the exit.

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