Perfect Blend

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Summary: Jade always works the same shift as Perrie, doomed to forever endure all the side glances and slightly suggestive comments. Because there is no way the charming girl who flirts with the customers is into her, right?


"Hey, Jade."

Jade pushed her glasses up her nose, stepping to the side as Perrie rushed past her and into the break room.

"Hi, Perrie."

Jade finished tying her black apron around her waist, trying not to stare as Perrie inputted her employee number. She'd never admit it out loud, but Jade always tried to arrive for her shift before Perrie if only to see what exaggerated face she chose to clock in with. Today was a tongue stuck out to the side and a cheeky wink.

"You do know that our boss sees every photo that thing takes, right? He has to approve them before cutting our checks."

"Oh, I'm counting on it." Perrie hit the green button, clocking her in for her shift and twirled around to face Jade, her tongue sticking out again. She winked. "What do you think of today's?"

"Oh, umm..." Jade pulled her glasses from her face, cleaning the lens on the sleeve of her shirt. The gesture had everything to do with the minuscule fingerprint on the corner of the glass, and nothing whatsoever to do with trying not to stare as Perrie snuck her tongue slowly back into her mouth, catching it in her teeth as she chuckled at Jade's flustered state.

"I mean, it's definitely not your most original," Jade finally stated as she pushed her glasses back up the bridge of her nose.

"That hurts, Jade," Perrie slapped her hand to her chest. "That really hurts. Here I was thinking I nailed it today only to find out that it's subpar."

Jade bit back the urge to retract her statement, to tell Perrie that the tongue and little wink was actually the cutest thing she'd seen in weeks and that the only reason she said otherwise was her utter lack of confidence while standing in Perrie's presence.

But as luck would have it, Perrie just smirked and pulled her apron over her head. She turned, holding out the ties, and Jade, being the smitten girl she was, tied them just as she always did. Her fingers brushed against Perrie's lower back, the warmth from her skin heating her cool hands, and Jade had to swallow down the desire to let her fingers linger. But she was a firm believer in boundaries, as should everyone be, and instead, took an impressively large step backwards.

"All done." Her voice was an octave higher than it usually was, but Perrie didn't seem to notice.

"Thanks!" Perrie looked over her shoulder and fluttered her fingers in a sort of wave before bounding through the door.

Jade waited a whole thirty seconds after the door clicked close to groan into her hands. "Why are we always on the same shift?" she complained to no one. "Why is the universe so cruel?"

"I don't have the answer to that question," Perrie popped her head back in, and Jade dropped her hands in panic. Her face flushed a deep red, and she begged the powers that be that Perrie didn't catch the first question she had asked aloud.

It would appear that luck was on her side for a change as Perrie ignored her beet red cheeks and beckoned her with a grand wave of her hand, "But maybe one of the several caffeine-deprived customers who will be waltzing in at any moment might. Come on," Perrie reached her arm through the door and yanked Jade towards her. "You know I can't do this alone."

Perrie slipped her hand from her forearm and into Jade's open palm. She wrapped her fingers around Jade's, guiding them out into the coffee shop. The hiss of the espresso machine drowned out the pounding of Jade's heart as Perrie held on to her, even though it wasn't necessary.

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