Just a Game?

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Summary: Jade discovers Sims on Perrie's laptop. G!P Perrie (mature)

It has been an exhausting day, a trying day, and Jade was already wishing it was over. It had been full of meetings with men that thought they knew what was best for her art gallery. She had to put on a tight smile and gently put them in their place. She didn't need a man telling her what to do. Not now, not ever.

So when Perrie texted her asking if she wanted to hang out, she was more than happy to accept said invitation. Nothing would make the end of the day better than relaxing with her favorite person in the entire world. That is how she finds herself on the blonde's couch, legs tugged beneath her. There is an empty box of pizza upon the coffee table and with it there are two glasses of wine and an empty bottle.

This is how she wished to always spend her nights, how she wished they could always end. Coming home to Perrie and having a relaxing dinner and watching a movie before sleep. Of course, she knows better than that, but it didn't hurt to wish and fantasize about it.

She's completely relaxed into the couch, laughing quietly along with Perrie. Mean Girls was the choice for tonight. Her phone pings with a message from her assistant telling her she had forgotten to send a certain e-mail.

"Pissing hell," she mumbles.

"Everything okay?" Of course the blonde picked up on it.

"Yeah, just forgot to send an e-mail and my laptop is in the car."

"You can use mine" Perrie says sweetly and points at the laptop on the dining table.

"You're a savior, thank you," Jade smiles and stands, padding to the table.

"Want me to put the movie on pause?"

"No, no," she waves her hand. "I can watch from over here, you keep watching."

Perrie nods softly and focused back on the screen. The brunette takes a seat and opens the laptop, typing in the password. Knowing the blonde, it was simple enough to guess: 'Saladinabox?' Jade told her she needed a better password. Perrie had agreed, but apparently never changed it.

The older Geordie types it in and expects for desktop to come into view immediately, except that isn't what comes into view at all. What does come into view is some sort of—game? Her brows furrow as she tries to take it all in. At the left, bottom corner there are two characters, one that looks alarmingly like Perrie, and another alarmingly like her. She doesn't utter a word as she moves the mouse over to them, first placing it on the blonde character. Sure enough, it says 'Perrie Edwards' and when she moves it to the brunette one, 'Jade Thirlwall' pops up.

What is this? Jade wonders to herself. Why does Perrie have a game with both of them in it? What was this supposed to be about? Looking at the characters on the screen unmoving, she frowns. Her eyes caught the sight of the control panel, and the brunette figured the game was paused. She doesn't know why she didn't just exit, supposed curiosity got the best of her.

So she pressed play and watched. At first they didn't do anything, and it only confused Jade more, but then the one that was supposed to be her walks around the house to where Perrie was and they started to chat. Jade figures out how to move the camera so she could see better. She realized that this placed looked a lot like Perrie's apartment. Did Perrie really have a game based on their lives? She found it oddly endearing but why would she have such a game? Did she have the rest of her friends in the game as well?

Jade wonders if she could select the actions her own character could do next, so she experimentally clicked on it and saw the options that popped up: Go jogging, actions, change outfit and wicked. What was wicked? Was it some sort of evil thing she could make her character do? If so, why did it have a heart? Before she can click on it to further inspect, she saw both characters stand and start to walk over to the bedroom. Why are they going over to the bedroom? She moves the camera and zooms in to see better and saw that both characters disappeared momentarily before appearing on the bed naked.

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