Diving into Happiness pt 2

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Summary: The remaining days in the cabin, and the aftermath.

Day five

Perrie enters the bathroom just as Jade finishes brushing her teeth.

"Good morning," Jade says to the sleepy blonde.

Perrie drags her feet as she gets closer to Jade. She practically drapes her body over Jade from behind, burying her face into Jade's shoulder.

Jade giggles. "Brush your teeth."

Perrie groans, and Jade feels the vibration travel through her own body. Jade takes Perrie's blue toothbrush, wets it, and squeezes toothpaste onto it.

"Here," she says, holding it over her shoulder. Perrie detaches herself from Jade and takes the toothbrush, sticking it into her cheek as she starts to brush. She brushes with one hand and wipes away the sleepiness from her eyes with the other.

Jade stays in the bathroom as Perrie continues to brush her teeth, watching the taller girl struggle to stay awake even after splashing her face with cold water, and getting it all over the counter.

"Why are you up so early?" Jade asks.

Due to the mouthwash being swished around in Perrie's mouth, a muffled response is given, and Jade understands none of it.

"What'd you say?"

Perrie holds up a finger to signal for Jade to wait, and then she spits the mouthwash out.

She turns to Jade, leaning her hip on the counter. "I wanted to spend time with you."

Jade almost melts into a puddle right then and there.

She blushes. "I was just going to go back to my room and scroll through my phone."

"You can scroll through your phone with one hand and scratch my head with the other," Perrie says, taking Jade's hand in hers. When Jade sees that Perrie's leading them back to her shared room with Leigh-Anne, she hesitates.

"Wait, you want to go back into my bed?"

"I mean we're just going to cuddle..." Perrie murmurs. "Unless you don't want Leigh-Anne to see us like that?"

"Oh," Jade blinks. "Actually, uhm... Leigh-Anne saw us kissing yesterday."

"Oh, shit," Perrie whispers. "She did? What'd you tell her?"

"I told her that... we like each other," Jade says, feeling uneasy that they're having this conversation in the middle of the hallway. "And now she thinks we're dating."

"We're dating?" Perrie questions.

Jade freezes up. "Aren't we?"

"Y-Yes?" Perrie widens her eyes.

"I didn't know what else to tell her," Jade mumbles.

"That's okay," Perrie bites her lip. "What else did you two talk about?"

"Well, I told her about the long-distance being the reason we're being cautious, but she kind of shut me down," Jade admits. "She told me not to let fear get in the way of my happiness."

"And... your happiness... is me...?" Perrie connects the dots shyly.

Jade's entire face turns red.

She drags Perrie towards the bedroom. "Yeah, something like that," she mutters under her breath.

Perrie muffles a laugh because they're in the room now, and they can hear Leigh-Anne's light snores coming from the top-bunk.

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