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Summary: Perrie is becoming a regular customer at the bar called Arbeia. The reason? The gorgeous bartender that she can't get out of her mind.

"I can't believe I actually got you out of the house," Leigh-Anne teased, throwing some of the chips Perrie's way. "It seems like you're always working."

Perrie rolled her eyes playfully, "I'm not always working, Leigh."

"Come on, Pez, it's been like, 84 years since we've had a girl's night," the dark-haired girl complained, sipped her drink. "You're definitely over-working yourself."

The blonde sighed; she knew Leigh-Anne was right, but she had just been promoted. She had more responsibility now, she needed to be on top of her game. Sure, the work was more demanding, and her boss wasn't the easiest boss to have, but she felt like she was finally living up to her potential in her career.

"I'm fine, Leigh-Anne. Really, I can handle it."

Leigh-Anne leaned forward, resting her forearms on the table. "When was the last time you had a date?"

"Uhhh," Perrie racked her brain, trying to come up with an answer.

Leigh-Anne smirked, "It's been like two years. Hasn't it, Perrie?"

The blonde glared at her best friend. "So what? I've been busy. Plus, I had that dinner with Alex last year."

"Oh please. You two kissed like twice and then broke it off. I hardly count that as dating." Leigh-Anne shook her head and continued. "That's a damn shame, Perrie. You need to get back out there. Hey, maybe I can help find you someone cute! I mean, I do have great taste."

Perrie quickly downed the rest of her drink. "I'm going to get another. Do you want anything? Okay." Perrie didn't want for a response before bolting to the bar.

As she waited for one of the bartenders, she couldn't help but reflect about what Leigh-Anne had said. It had been a long time since she had dated anyone. Sure, she didn't really need anyone to make her feel happy, but she would be lying if she didn't dream about someone to cuddle or have movie marathons with or kiss.

Perrie was broken from her train of thought when a feminine figure slid into her eyesight. Looking up, the blonde was taken aback when she made eye contact with the prettiest girl she'd ever seen. The girl was wearing a white button up shirt that wrapped around her curves perfectly, skin-tight dark jeans, and black combat boots. Her curly caramel hair cascaded over her shoulders, framing her gorgeous face. But what entranced Perrie the most were her eyes; they were a beautiful shade of brown, and they seemed to sparkle in the dim light. She could feel herself getting lost in them.

"Hello," the girl spoke, and Perrie had to force herself not to swoon when she heard her cute accent. "How can I help you?"

"I...I....uh," Perrie stumbled over her words. The girl smiled, showing off her brilliant white teeth and the blonde felt her heart skip a beat. "Margarita," she blurted out.

The girl quirked an eyebrow. "You want a margarita?"

"Y...yes, please," Perrie took a deep breath, trying to pull herself together.

"No problem. Can I see some ID please?"

The blonde tried to hide her shaky hands as she pulled her ID from her pocket. The brunette took it and examined it closely. With a nod of her head, she handed it back before gathering the ingredients for Perrie's drink. The blonde couldn't help but watch the bartender's graceful fingers as she mixed the drink. The girl slid the glass over to Perrie, smiling the whole time.

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