Candid Camera

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Summary: The one where Perrie is put through a hidden camera prank and Jade is the coffee shop owner who has... a very interesting customer come through one morning.

A/N: FYI, the prank is based on the Ellen Show's 'Ellen in your ear' but this time it's 'Ellie in your ear' instead.

Perrie made her way through the studio, still dumbfounded that she was given such an amazing opportunity. She had been just gotten a job as one of the Ellie Show's writers just over a week ago. It had been an easy transition into the team, everyone was warm and welcoming and absolutely hilarious. There hadn't been one day where Perrie didn't get stitches from laughing so much.

As she entered the writer's room, she waved a quick "good morning" to the other writers who were already there. The room was spacious, at one end there was a large wooden table where they did most of the work. The other half of the room was for the couches that surrounded the large plasma TV. Whenever the show was recording, the writers would sit and watch, discussing what jokes worked, what the audience responded to and to see if it sparked anything for future episodes.

Today marked Perrie's second week as a writer. This was the first job Perrie's had where she wasn't always looking for the weekend. This was it; this was what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. Perrie made her way to the table and placed her bag down by her seat. Taking out her laptop she made her way to the couches, plopping down and waiting for the show to start.

Moments later there's a knock at the door which caused her to turn around. "Good morning to my favourite writers!" Leigh-Anne called out. "And hello, Perrie."

Perrie closed her laptop. "Very funny, Leigh."

Leigh-Anne took one of the coffee cups from her tray and handed it to Perrie, "Thanks for letting me always tease you."

Perrie took the cup but scrunched her nose a little. "You didn't put anything in this, did you?"

Leigh-Anne rolled her eyes playfully. She took back the cup and took a sip before handing it back. "Happy?"

"Delighted," Perrie laughed before taking a sip of her drink, eyes widening at the taste. She looked at the cup. It was different to the ones she was used to seeing. "New place?"

Leigh-Anne nodded. "Yeah, there's a new coffee shop just across the street. Definitely beats the crap they put out in the hall. Hey, by the way. Can I do your make-up?"


"Well, the show doesn't start for at least another hour and I just watched a make-up tutorial I want to try out."

Perrie was a little confused, but hey she'd never say no to a free make-up session. "Sure..."

Leigh-Anne clapped and jumped out of the seat. Moments later she returned with her make-up bag and started. In no time, Leigh-Anne was ready, and Perrie was very pleased with the result.

"All done!"

"Wow, this looks good! Thanks, Leigh," Perrie smiled, pulling her laptop out once more. What she doesn't see is Leigh-Anne backing out of the room, giving two thumbs up to Ellie.


As the show was about to start recording, all the writers gather comfortably on the couches, laptops and notebooks ready for any notes they may want to take. The show began like it usually did, with the opening monologue – which Perrie was really nervous about since she worked closely with Ellie on it. But with the way the audience responded to it, it was a huge hit.

When they wrap up the first interview Ellie announced that they'll be playing one of her favourite games, "Ellie in Your Ear." Perrie was especially excited for this because this prank was one of her favourite segments from the show. From the schedule Perrie had, it said that an audience member would be selected from the audience to play and if they played well everyone would win a plasma TV. Perrie was on the edge of her seat as she listened to the TV.

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