Love Came Out of Nowhere pt 4

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Perrie grasps Jade's shoulder with one hand, almost doubled over with laughter as they stumble down the street. Their situation has only been made funnier by the fact that Jade had to dash back inside for their bags and make a stealthy escape via the fire exit. She'd emerged into the alley dramatically humming the Mission Impossible theme tune and holding their bags up like priceless artefacts.

Perrie hasn't stopped laughing for a solid five minutes. Her cheeks ache and her lungs burn in the best possible way. She looks sideways at Jade and sees the brunette is in a similar state, her eyes bright and her smile a mile wide. It gives her a warm feeling in her stomach.

"How was that for closure?" Jade asks when the giggling subsides.

"That's a textbook example right there," Perrie grins.

"I mean it had it all!" Jade exclaims. "Denial, depression, acceptance-"

"Fire," Perrie adds. "So much fire."

"Oh, there was definitely a lot of that," Jade says with a wink.

Perrie blushes and drops her gaze to the floor as they continue in the direction of Kings Cross station. She feels elated as they walk along side by side, shoulders brushing against each other occasionally. This has been hands-down the craziest day of her life. It's also been one of the best.

Despite pretending to be someone else for half of it, and despite the blazing arguments, she's had an amazing time with Jade. They just sort of click. Obviously not in the conventional sense – nothing about this day has been conventional – but she feels like there's this invisible pull between them. Like they shouldn't work but they do. Like they've barely scratched the surface of what could be. She kind of doesn't want this night to end.

"So where to next?" Jade questions as they walk up the steps to the station.

"Hmm, what time is it?" Perrie asks.

Jade glances at her watch. "It's almost ten."

"Shit. I'd better check in at home," Perrie says as she pulls her phone out of her coat pocket. "My parents probably think I've been kidnapped or something."

Jade chuckles as she pulls her own phone out of her pocket and switches it on.

Perrie looks down at her screen. Three more missed calls and a text from Leigh-Anne who threatens to "kick her fine ass" if she doesn't call soon. She curses under her breath. She really should get to the party. She's put it off for long enough and it's time to stop neglecting her responsibilities.

10 o'clock. If she leaves now, she can be there on a train in 20 minutes. She'll swing by the 24-hour bakery and pick up some of that expensive chocolate cheesecake her parents love so much. Perhaps if she walks in bearing gifts that'll smooth things over a little.

Only that plan involves leaving Jade.

Or does it?

This night has been absolutely farcical by anyone's standards. Would it be crazy to invite Jade to her parent's 30th anniversary party full of her family and friends? Yes. Would it be any crazier than some of the other things she's done today? No. Actually, it's comparatively tame.

Then she remembers Jade's comment from earlier, the one about her sitting on the sidelines and not putting herself out there. It resonates in her mind and although she feels nervous, she knows what she has to do. Take more chances, right?

Jade's staring at her phone screen. Since she turned it back on, it's been lighting up with notifications non-stop. Now the brunette is furiously typing away as they meander along.

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