Do They Know?

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Summary: Three times that Perrie and Jade tell people they are dating and one time they don't have to.


Perrie is bored.

She glances toward the front of the classroom. Her professor still hasn't arrived and she kind of just wants to go back to her dorm. When she had left Jade was still asleep, face hidden by a tangle of brown curls, her body pliant and sleep soft. She had mumbled when Perrie got up, a slew of gibberish that had made Perrie laugh and consider skipping class just to curl up with her girlfriend for longer.

But ditching class wouldn't really be a great start to the semester, although apparently her professor doesn't have the same concerns.

"He's late again?" a boy asks, working his way down the aisle and throwing his stuff at the desk next to her. "That's like three out of four classes, must be some kind of record."

Perrie smiles at him, moving her backpack to other side to make room. "You were cutting it kind of close too," she says looking over at him as he settles at his desk. Perrie doesn't really know him, they just tend to sit next at each other, make polite small talk.

"The difference is," he says with a grin, "I'm not teaching the class, I feel like that gives me a little more freedom." He leans toward Perrie as he struggles to get his laptop out of his bag and his eyes fall on the desk, where her phone beeps and lights up with a message. "Whoa," he says, taking in her phone's background. "That photo is awesome. Is that from Japan?"

Perrie smiles as she takes a glance at her phone and thinks back on the week she spent with her girlfriend in Tokyo, exploring the city and taking hundreds of photographs. This one is of them sitting on a park bench, surrounded by pink cherry blossoms. The photo really is gorgeous. "Yeah," she says. "It was a very memorable trip."

"I bet," he agrees, leaning closer, his eyes focusing on Jade. "She's really pretty. Who is she? Your roommate?"

Perrie hesitates, her stomach flips a little bit, and she smiles when she answers. "Uh, she's my girlfriend actually."

He looks back down at her paper and then back up at her, his eyes widen a bit but then he nods and grins. "She looks really nice," he says.

"She really is."


Perrie goes straight to Jade's room after class, dumping her bag inside the door. Jade is still asleep, comforter kicked off in a tangle at the bottom of the bed. Her t-shirt has slipped up her back and her legs skew to the side. Since Perrie left, Jade has rolled to the space that Perrie previously occupied, hands clutching at the pillow.

Perrie approaches the bed slowly, kicking off her shoes on the way. She leans down to brush Jade's hair out of her eyes. Jade stirs, moving her grip from the pillow to fasten on Perrie's shirt.

"Perrie," she sighs. Perrie waits for more, but that is all that Jade is apparently planning on saying.

She leans down and folds herself in next to her, nudging their foreheads together and wrapping an arm around her bare back. "How late were you up last night, Jade? It's like 11 and you're still sleeping."

Jade pushes further into her, eyes still closed. Her hands start to move, pressing flat against Perrie's stomach.

"Jade," Perrie laughs, pinching her back lightly. "Use your words."

"You smell nice," Jade mumbles.

Perrie rolls her eyes fondly. "That's not what I had in mind," she says. "Are you wearing my shirt?"

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