Prison Break

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Summary: Criminal mastermind Jade Thirlwall is sentenced to life in prison. However, she doesn't plan to stay there for long. Will her plan succeed?

"I sentence Jade Thirlwall to life in prison for multiple counts of terrorism, robbery, espionage, murder, and attempted murder," the judge declares.

His gavel hits his large, overruling desk, echoing through the court room without mercy. The crowd stands, she as well. Forced up onto her feet, Jade turns to the people behind her, who snarl and say good riddance to her without even so much as a hint of secrecy. Some even clap at the decision, while others wish it was the death penalty.

However, that wouldn't do. That wouldn't do at all.

Two cops at either side of her drag her away in cuffs, leading her out the double doors and bringing her out to the front. When her face hits the cool morning sun and the crisp air, Jade winces at the bright flash of cameras, and the sounds of reporters in her ear as she passes through the crowds.

Before they can haul her into the big black police caravan waiting for her, four policemen on motorcycles waiting around it, Jade looks up to the building just opposite of the courthouse.

There, standing on the ledge, balancing effortlessly on the edge, was a girl in black leather pants, and a black sleeved top. Her hair pulled up into a familiar ponytail, and her blue eyes glittering with amusement so bright Jade could see it even from her spot so far away.

Jade smiles when the girl blows her a kiss and disappears.

"What are you waiting for? Get in!" One of the officers commands, shoving Jade towards the vehicle. She clenches her jaw, channeling her annoyance into her eyes as she gives him a look.

"How amusing," she chuckles.

The man looks at her funny, wanting to ask more, but his partner interrupts before he can. "Get in before we force you to."

Jade doesn't even look at him. He's no fun at all. Baseless threats get no one anywhere in the world. She of all people knew that. Climbing the small metal steps attached to the truck, Jade sits onto one of the steel benches along the side, watching the door shut behind her.

The caravan takes off after a minute, the sudden movement jerking her back and the bump of the road making her head bobble slightly.

Leaning back, she takes in a deep breath, and looks at the ceiling of her temporary accommodations.

She faintly wonders what's in store for her at the most highly guarded prison the country can offer.

"A week may be too short, baby." Jade mutters thoughtfully. "I'll give you 9 days instead."


One may wonder what Jade was doing, being charged with so many crimes, and to tell the truth, she'd say that there would have been more if the judge felt inclined to continue down the list.

See, Jade probably has one of, if not, the biggest names in crime history. Her cunning and skills quickly earned her that title when she started at just a mere 15 years old, rising through the ranks like no other before her. She steals only the best of the best, and only sells what she's decided isn't worth her time anymore.

Her father was once a renowned criminal, stealing crowns and royal treasures all around the world. Jade had once worked by his side, but after a few heists went wrong, some harsh punishments not meant for a 17-year-old, and a few words from the person she came to love more than anyone, that "teamwork" vanished along with the whereabouts of her father himself.

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