Celebrity Crush pt 2

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A/N: So this is basically a continuation of one of the previous oneshots Celebrity Crush but if you haven't read it, don't worry, it can be read as a standalone as well. ☺️

Jade was nervous. A good nervous, the kind that is usually followed by a big life change. When she decided to come to LA for the first time, she was nervous. When she first got cast in Case Closed, she was nervous almost to the point of vomiting. This was like that, but at the same time nothing like it at all.

When Jade got closer to the table, taking in the blonde with her back to her, she could feel her heart pounding, the sweat dampening her palms, her knees tremble as she finally stilled just behind her date.

After months of texts, calls, and Facetiming, Jade felt safe with Perrie. They'd talked about everything, from childhood memories to favorite ways to tease their siblings. This was hardly a first date. A first date, traditionally, was where people get to know one another, learned to be comfortable in their presence. Jade already knew she was comfortable around Perrie. Had seen her first thing in the morning before she'd truly woken up, in the middle of being made up before filming. She'd seen her in designer clothing and a holey T-shirt and stained sweats.

No, this was not a first date. This was an extension of what they had already been doing — just face to face instead of face to screen. She felt more excited now instead of nervous. She no longer felt like she might flee as her adrenaline calmed into something warm and good.

"Perrie," her voice was soft in the clamor of the restaurant, but Perrie heard it. She turned in her chair, blue eyes bright and excited. Jade noticed the twisted napkin and white knuckles and immediately felt better. Perrie's nerves set her own at ease, and she felt, truly knew, deep down, that this could only be the beginning of something great.


Jade woke to her pillow shaking with a low chuckle. It felt early, though that was likely due to the late hours and tiring activities of the night before, and she was reluctant to fully wake up. She groaned when Perrie chuckled again and tightened her arms around Perrie's midsection to implore her to stop, but that only caused Perrie to shift, pulling her even more out of unconsciousness.

"Perrie," Jade whined, "Stop."

She felt Perrie shift slightly under her and a hand gently run through her hair. "Oh, you're finally awake."

Opening an eye to glare at the blonde, Jade forced herself to mentally bypass the very nice view of the bare chest in front of her and ignore the heat that settled comfortably in her belly. The soft, sleepy version of Perrie's usual smile she'd had yet to see washes her annoyance away with a light sigh.

She settled her head back on Perrie's stomach, rolling her eyes and quietly huffing, "Well I am now."

Ignoring the tightness in certain muscles and looseness in others, Jade sat up, angling herself so she was almost hovering over Perrie. Jade watched as Perrie's eyes flicked down between them, growing darker before she returned Jade's gaze. Perrie leaned up and met the brunette's lips hungrily. Jade leaned into the kiss, carefully setting herself so she was closer to Perrie without putting her weight on her. Heart rate picking up, she instantly responded to the way Perrie's hands trailed lightly over her side and back, moaning with the heat that spread out from her grazes. Almost unconsciously, Jade rolled her hips, the heat fanned into flames at Perrie's eager moan as she licked into Jade's mouth and pulled the smaller girl closer.

Jade pulled back to catch her breath. She leaned her forehead against Perrie's, a smile already making its way across her face.

Her voice was husky when and still slightly breathless when she spoke, but she felt Perrie's stomach clench with her words. "Good morning."

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