Mingling with the Enemy

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Summary: When Perrie's friends catch her thirsting over the captain of their rival college's soccer team, they are not happy. It's not Perrie's fault that she's already met and hit it off with Jade Thirlwall. Besides, what her friends don't know can't hurt them, right?

"Hey, have you seen my bra?"

Roused from sleep by a voice in her room, Perrie opens her eyes and lifts her head from her pillow, watching as the half-naked girl searches the blonde's bedroom for the missing undergarment.

"You're leaving already?" Perrie asks, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice.

It's not even fully light outside yet. Through the cracks in her blinds, Perrie can see the first glimpse of daybreak just starting to sneak through. One glance at the screen of the phone laid face up on the nightstand is enough to confirm that this is an ungodly hour to be awake on any day, but especially after a night of very little sleep.

"I have to get to the gym," says the girl - Jade, a name that Perrie only remembers now because she kept getting it wrong for the first half hour after they met each other in an off-campus bar last night, much to her mortification when she found out the truth. "Aha!"

Jade holds up her bra between her thumb and forefinger, a triumphant expression on her face, before she puts it back on.

"Do you have to?" asks Perrie, rolling onto her back and rubbing at her bleary eyes with her hands.

"My coach will be pissed if the captain doesn't show up."

Jade pulls her sweater over her head, covering up the truly magnificent set of abs that Perrie had the pleasure of appreciating up close last night, then sits on the end of Perrie's bed so that she can lace up her shoes.

"You're the captain?"

"Of the soccer team," nods Jade.

"And you're sure I can't tempt you with an alternative workout?" Perrie asks, sitting up in bed and deliberately letting the sheets pool around her waist so that her breasts are exposed.

Predictably, Jade's eyes drop, widening slightly as she stares for a few seconds. Perrie remembers exactly how much Jade enjoyed them last night, and her cheeks flush hot as she recalls the feeling of Jade's accomplished tongue painting circles around her nipples as Perrie's back arched off the bed in search of more contact.

Jade's brown eyes flicker back up to Perrie's face, pupils blown wider than before, but with a playful little smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Nice try," she shoots back at Perrie, "but it doesn't work like that."

Jade gets to her feet and makes her way to Perrie's bedroom door, stopping with her hand on handle.

"Thanks for a great night. I had a lot of fun."

And then, before Perrie can formulate an answer or even contemplate asking for Jade's number so that they can meet up again, Jade is gone without another word.


There are only two major colleges in Perrie's hometown. Perrie knows enough of the women's soccer team at Lakeside University for it to be a simple process of elimination that Jade must be the captain of the other college's team.

It's pretty hard to concentrate on anything even vaguely productive with her mind still full of the memories from last night. Perrie is supposed to be revising for a test next week, but she gets distracted too easily, and it takes only a simple google search of the Summerfield University women's soccer team for Perrie to be staring at their glossy green and white website, complete with a professionally shot photograph of the full team in two neat rows in front of the goalposts. Jade sits in the centre of the front row, hair pushed back into a slick ponytail and wearing the captain's armband around her left bicep. She stares at the camera with her head held up and a bright smile on her face. She's even more beautiful than Perrie remembers.

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