Bad First Impression

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Summary: Jade just wanted to have a sugary snack. Unfortunately, things don't quite go as she planned.

"Come on, for fuck's sake! Work! You piece of- OUCH!"

Coins rain down on the waxed tile floor as Jade hops in place on one leg, clutching her foot and groaning. Pretty sure she just broke her toe kicking the vending machine, and she definitely doesn't have enough sick leave to take off for a doctor's appointment. Could this day go any worse?

"What on earth are you doing?"

Jade slaps a hand on the wall to prop herself up, breathing rather heavily as she turns to glare at where Leigh-Anne's head pops out from the doorway. Her best friend looks at her with all the imperious judgment a supremely pregnant woman could possibly muster.

"Nothing," Jade huffs, gingerly releasing her foot and testing her weight on it.

Leigh-Anne's eyes narrow as they dart down to all the loose change littering the floor. Her brows draw together, and her jaw drops and Jade very nearly winces in anticipation.

"Jade! You bitch. You're supposed to be dieting with me!"

"I'm not the pregnant one," Jade complains, scowling as she massages her throbbing toe through her shoe. She slips it off, letting it clatter to the floor. "You know I hate diets and everything they stand for."

"You've been complaining about how you need to eat healthier! There's nothing healthy in that vending machine!"

"I beg to differ. There's some..." There's a tense pause as Jade struggles to find something. "There's granola in there!"

Leigh-Anne's eyes narrow again as she waddles over to stand beside Jade and surveys the snacks displayed in the vending machine in all their glory. "That is a chocolate chip granola bar with sugary frosting. And totally not what you were going for." Lips pursed, Leigh-Anne jams a finger into the glass over E4. Jade can't help the way her face softens as her gaze lands on the most beautiful thing she's seen all day. Powdered donuts. Leigh-Anne barks out a laugh. "Ha! That's what I thought. You're so predictable."

"Don't judge me! I'm on my period!"

"Well, I don't have to worry about that anymore," Leigh-Anne says smugly, hand automatically drifting over the large swell of her belly. "Seriously, though, come on, we made a deal. We agreed to eat healthier. New Year, new us, remember?"

"We do this every year," Jade groans, stomach grumbling as she looks down at the donuts again. "I'm starving."

"The party starts in like twenty minutes, why don't you just wait? I brought baby carrots."

"You mean Andre brought baby carrots."


Jade sighs. It's the last day of the week before they're off for a few days thanks to New Years, so their company is throwing their annual party. Jade doesn't want baby carrots, or veggie trays, or even Mark from accounting's famous cauliflower pizza. What she wants is fifty pounds of junk food, and a heating pad, and to go home early to curl up in bed with wine and her favorite movie. Or maybe just a giant medieval weapon to carve her ovaries out. She hasn't decided yet.

"I need those donuts, Leigh," she says seriously, a little annoyed when Leigh-Anne just snorts. "I'm having cramps and I need to take some Midol, and everyone knows it's safer to take medication with food in your stomach!"

"You're so fucking dramatic."

"Suck a dick."

"Already did that today."

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