Two Sides to Every Story

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Summary: Perrie pines after Jade, then befriends her, then falls in love with her. Unbeknownst to her, Jade does the excact same.

Or, same story, two different perspectives.


Perrie isn't jealous.

She doesn't get jealous. She's not jealous. Just because Jade is talking and laughing with some random insufferable, insanely attractive person that Perrie has never once spoken to in her life, doesn't mean she's jealous.

There's nothing wrong with Jade talking to people. Perrie hasn't even spoken to her before, so really, she doesn't have any right to be jealous. And she's not.

Okay, fine, she's jealous.

But can anyone really blame her? She wants to talk to Jade, but she can't work up the courage to do it, and Perrie's been pining after her for maybe two years, four months and twenty-two days—not that she's counting—since they locked eyes for a split second on the first day of their freshman year.

It's a lucky coincidence that Perrie always ends up sharing classes with Jade. But it's also unlucky, because that means she just sits around and pines after her, staring at her all day while people just go up to Jade and talk to her like they've been friends for years even though Perrie is positive that that's their first time talking to Jade. It's just a hunch, of course. She doesn't know this because she's been staring at Jade every chance she gets for the past two years, four months and twenty-two days. Nothing like that.

It's not like she wants to stare. She just does. Jade is a very attractive person, and Perrie doesn't simply choose to spend her days daydreaming about her. It's involuntary.

She doesn't even know anything about Jade. She only knows trivial things, basically what she's found out about her over the years. But she's never spoken to Jade, and she can't bring herself to go up to her. It's something of a faraway dream. Jade is so charismatic and magnetic without trying, and Perrie has been drawn to her since day one. But Perrie just can't say anything to her. Or even go near her.

What she can do, though, is glare at anyone who talks to Jade.

Again, it's involuntary. Perrie is jealous. Albeit irrationally jealous, but jealous nonetheless. And every time she sees someone talking to Jade, she gets jealous because of her annoyance with herself—her annoyance at the fact that she can't muster the courage to say a single word to Jade, while others can do it, for some reason.

So, she just glares from afar. Doesn't do anything, because she is her own undoing. If she can't work up the courage to talk to Jade, then that's her own fault.

But the glaring is somewhat therapeutic, so she settles for that.

She's been settling for that for two years, four months and twenty-two days, anyway.


People really are drawn to Jade like moths to a flame.

It's not just Perrie. Every day, Perrie sees someone new talking to Jade. And she's about a hundred and one percent sure that Jade has never spoken to them before.

Yet, Jade welcomes them graciously. A little reserved, from what Perrie can see, but she's kind, and she talks to the people who want to talk to her. Perrie still can't talk to her, though, so she just stares, and stares.

Perrie clearly needs to get a life.


She doesn't get a life, per se. But what she does get is a job.

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