Seal the Deal with a Kiss

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Summary: Perrie doesn't have time for dating, so she asks several strangers to kiss her in front of national monuments to get her best friend off her back. And it's fine, because she'll never see them again. Right?

"You need a vacation fling."

Perrie turns her eyes away from the quickly passing cobblestoned streets of Paris, sighing as she switches her phone to the other ear. Rain spatters the window, and Perrie turns away from the melancholy sight to fend off her best friend. "Leigh-Anne, I'm on a business trip. And I don't have time for a fling."

"You're in Paris," Leigh-Anne insists. "The city of love! At least try to get a little romance in. Go see the Eiffel Tower or something, you hermit."

"I'm in wall-to-wall meetings until the day I leave. I have to get this deal done before the rival companies catch up," Perrie argues, idly fanning at her overheated face with her hand. "Where exactly am I supposed to fit in romance?"

"I don't know. You're smart, figure it out."

Perrie rolls her eyes, hanging the call up without saying goodbye as her car rounds a corner and the aforementioned tower comes into view.

She's seen the Eiffel Tower from the car, of course, but Leigh-Anne is right in one thing – she hasn't really seen it. It's a drizzly day, so the usual droves of tourists are mostly absent, and she's asking her driver to stop before she can think about it too hard.

Standing alone on the side of the road while her hair gets wet, she starts to regret it.

Before she can get fully soaked, she takes out her phone and snaps a few photos of the monument, but when she looks at each of them, she frowns. They're lonely, somehow. Sort of empty. A few pictures of the Eiffel Tower by itself aren't going to get Leigh-Anne off her back. She needs something that really proves she let loose a little, even if it's a fabrication.

A few feet away from her another girl stops, leaning against the stone railing and looking up at the tower with a smile that's distracting enough to draw Perrie's attention. She's striking in a casual way - her long, curly dark brown hair wet with rain, and the way she looks wistfully up at the tower gives Perrie an idea. A crazy idea.

No. No, no, she won't let Leigh-Anne's pestering drive her to stupidity.

But then the girl looks at her, all bright eyes and warm smile, and Perrie's heart actually stutters a bit. Real, warm attraction curls itself around her belly, and the idea takes a solid shape in her mind. Maybe the city of love is doing something to the logical part of her brain, but she throws caution to the wind anyways.

Maybe Leigh-Anne is right, after all.

So she walks towards the girl, and opens her stupid mouth.

"Excuse me?" Perrie says, clearing her throat of the nervous high note it's taken on. "Um. This is going to be really weird, and please feel free to say no because it's kind of a wild request from a total stranger, but-"

The girl laughs, turning towards Perrie with none of the alarm or indignation she expected. She just looks open, and friendly.

"That's one way to start a conversation," the brunette says, white teeth flashing. "What's the request?"

"Will you kiss me?"

It comes out in a rush, so fast that it's almost all one word. Perrie regrets it almost the moment it leaves her mouth. The other girl just blinks slowly – a tiny crease appears between her brows, and Perrie starts to brace herself for the inevitable, horrifying rejection this stupid plan will reap. For the girl to storm off or look revolted, or slap her for her audacity.

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