Lost and Found

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Summary: Perrie is always losing Jade in public. Luckily, she has a perfect solution for it.

The first time it happened was only a month in their relationship. Perrie wasn't sure when it happened, she really wasn't sure how it happened - but still, her girlfriend disappeared as quickly as her chocolate stash did when her best friend managed to find it. Perrie didn't think it was possible, but it happened. One second, she was looking down at a grassy knoll that held thousands of yellow and orange wildflowers and the next she was forced to look for Jade, who was nowhere close enough to hear her calls. Or she was just ignoring her, which Perrie couldn't guess why, so she threw that theory away.

Perrie backtracked, taking the same steps they took when they arrived. It hopefully wasn't going to be hard to find her since the hiking trail they took was vast and spread out with only rocks and dirt, leaving the woods behind as they began their struggle up. Jade had been excited to show her the view so Perrie couldn't understand why the brunette wasn't beside her when they – she finally arrived.

In the ten minutes it took to find her, Perrie had stumbled twice, got startled by a small vicious squirrel and became frustrated over how hard the trek down was. But she finally found her, in a place she hardly expected (or should she say she did?). It was the same place Perrie promised Jade they'd visit on the way back down, to cool off from their journey.

Jade was on her knees as she watched what seemed like hundreds of trout running down the stream as they made their way towards the lake. There was a content smile on her face as she reached over to touch the water when one who near the shore, watching as is scampered back to its buddies. Her backpack was a couple of feet behind her, as if she absently dropped it, and her phone right beside it. It was glaring at Perrie.

"Hey." Perrie bent down next to her girlfriend, amused when she jumped and glanced at her with startled eyes. "You wandered off."

"I did?" Jade furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm pretty sure I told you where I was going."

Perrie shook her head. "No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."

"You didn't.

"I did."

They continued to argue for five minutes until Jade's stomach grumbled, making the poor girl blush.

Perrie thought the whole situation was oddly endearing.


The second time it had happened was three months into their relationship. Perrie had managed to snag free carnival tickets, and she was excited to take her girlfriend, knowing that she had never been. She was especially disappointed to learn that Jade had never experienced the wonders that was the pink and blue fluffy cotton candy. Perrie immediately knew that if Jade was going to continue being her girlfriend, that was going to have to change. She was not going to deprive Jade; it was just unacceptable.

They were sitting at a bench sharing pink cotton candy after Perrie embarrassed her on the carousel, feeding it to each other as they people watched. It's been a long time since Perrie had been to a carnival and she was just finding out, more like remembering, that all the visitors dressed to impress. Families walked past them with their faces painted, with bright clothing and tutus. Some were short, others tall – bright hair and high heels, there was never something that seemed out of place in a venue filled with mimes entertaining the passersby. Everyone looked like they were one large family; including the sours ones facing off against the overly cheery ones. It brought feelings of contentment watching the people who seemed so comfortable in the element that was filled with fried food and sketchy festival rides.

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