Home for Christmas

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Summary: Perrie is celebrating the holidays with her family, but this time of the year is especially hard when her fiancée is a Marine. Will Jade be able to keep her word and come home for Christmas?

December 22nd

The sound of disgruntled travelers was almost welcoming.

It was certainly an improvement from all the festive cheer. Perrie didn't know if she could endure another overly exuberant 'happy holidays' without uttering something rather withering in return.

Instead, she chose to ignore everything around her, while she waited for her upright duffel at the airports congested baggage claim. She'd have been more than happy making the three-hour bus journey, but her mother had insisted she take the short flight.

The blonde had even considered forgoing the annual Edwards family get-together this year. She wasn't in the mood for Christmas traditions and would rather be curled up on her twin bed along with her own misery watching The Grinch.

This time of the year was especially hard, and all the Christmas spirit seemed meaningless.

How could anything bring her joy when her fiancée was deployed God knows where.

This was Jade's fourth year in the Marine Corps. The steadfast brunette had rose through the ranks and had recently been made an E-4: Corporal. Perrie couldn't have been prouder of her girl. The only downside to such dedication was for the past two years Jade had been stationed at various locations and couldn't make it home in time for Christmas.

Jade had promised her that this year would be different, but for unforeseen reasons it looked like she wouldn't be able to keep her word.

Perrie could still visualize the large silver bus at the command post, and all the surrounding families saying a heartfelt goodbye to their loved ones as the brave deploying Marines were all boarding. Once the vehicle was out of sight, Perrie had collapsed into her dad's strong arms and prayed that she would see Jade again.

There was only one thing that Perrie wanted for Christmas, and that was for Jade to come home.

For as long as Perrie could remember, every special moment in their lives were spent together, Christmas time being no exception. It was tradition. One Alexander had practically made mandatory. He spared no expense on his elaborate Christmas feast and Perrie really didn't want to disappoint her father, but she wasn't sure she would be able to handle another Christmas Day without Jade there beside her.

In the end it had been Jade's loving words over FaceTime that persuade her to head home.

"Nobody should be alone on Christmas, Perrie."

Not wanting to dwell any longer, the blonde pressed on. She'd barely made it through arrivals before she heard the cheerful voice of her father.

"Perrie!" Alexander waved enthusiastically with Rudolph antlers proudly worn on top of his head. "Over here!"

Doing her best to muster a bright smile, she soon found herself being engulfed by the arms of her parents. Their loving smiles and warmth for her return did nothing to ease her heartache. It wasn't that she was unhappy to see them, on the contrary. They just weren't Jade.

"How was your flight, honey?" Debbie asked disentangling herself from the group hug to take her daughter's bag.

"Fine, thanks." Perrie continued to embrace her dad, snuggling into the soft cotton of his coat. When she eventually pulled away, he seemed just as reluctant to let go as she did.

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