Save Me and Show Me the Stars

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Summary: Jade saves Perrie from a horrible date. It can only be start of something beautiful.

Perrie sighed into her milkshake, swirling the straw around as she desperately tried to tune out the boy sitting across from her. Her friends had made a last-ditch effort to try and set her up with someone.

It wasn't working.

It was nothing against the guy, he seemed nice enough. But Perrie found his personality so utterly... disappointing.

He was so average, so plain. There was nothing interesting about him except for his family's pet dog. She can't even remember what he said the name was.

Then she realized he had stopped talking and she looked up.

The look on his face was some kind of apologetic, Perrie couldn't quite figure it out.

"I can tell you're not enjoying yourself," he said defeatedly and Perrie sighed exasperated.

"I'm sorry, I just don't think this is working," Perrie apologized, and the guy crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. And all of a sudden, his demeanor changed. Like he was a whole new person.

"Well, why don't we head out and go some place else. I'm sure we can have a lot more fun when it's just the two of us." His voice was suggestive. Predatory.

Perrie gritted her teeth, she hated when people acted like they could own her. She was her own goddamn person, she wouldn't let anyone else make her feel less than that.

"Sorry, but I'm gonna have to decline."

"Oh, come on, don't you wanna go and have a little fun?" he smirked, leaning over the table to try and take her hand. She quickly retracted it and crossed her arms.

"I'm starting to think our definition of 'fun' is very different."

The guy smiled deviously. "I bet I can change your mind."

Perrie scoffed. "I doubt that."

"Wanna bet?"


"You're awfully stubborn, aren't you?"

"When I want to be."

"Why can't you just play along?"

"Do I look like one of your goddamn puppets?"

He was starting to get riled up. He got out of the seat and firmly grabbed Perrie's arm. "Just come on. You'll enjoy it."

Perrie was forced out of the seat, to which she promptly yelled, "Get off me asshole!" and shoved his grip off her and backed away.

He stumbled backwards for a moment before blinking back to reality. He snarled and started to walk back towards her.

"Why you little-"

Suddenly there was a large crash, the sound of metal hitting the floor, as well as a body. When Perrie realized what was happening, she saw her trash of a date on the floor with food all over him, an arm in front of her protectively, and a beautiful brunette she had never seen before right next to her.

"Well, that's a shame, the food would have been delicious. Too bad it'll be left to rot with the rest of the trash on the floor." The brunette's voice was smooth and suave, collected and confident. Her tone was pitiful at the guy, but not even one slightest bit remorseful.

While the guy was still collecting himself, the girl turned to Perrie.

"Are you alright?" she asked, but Perrie couldn't speak.

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