Sweeter Than Candy

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Summary: Perrie has an unhealthy addiction to gummy worms and every week, she goes to Karl's sweet shop to fill up on her favourite snack. But when Karl goes on vacation and his sister, Jade, runs the shop in his absence, Perrie realizes that while gummies are good, there's something even sweeter.

"Another pound of gummy worms, Perrie?"

"You know me too well, Karl."

The man behind the counter smiled and pulled out a plastic bag and a scoop. In just a few seconds, he had the bag full of colorful gummy worms and was zipping it closed. "I don't understand how you buy these twice a week and you never gain any weight."

"I have a fast metabolism, what can I say?" Perrie reached into her back pocket and pulled out a five-pound bill as Karl rung up her purchase.

"Huh. Well, they still aren't healthy for you. And as much as you buy them, that's a recipe for trouble." He set the bag on the counter and slid it to her while taking the money she handed out to him.

"I drink plenty of water and I keep myself fit, too." She smirked and picked up the bag, holding it in her hands like it was a precious possession. "So stop worrying about me, okay?"

Karl just shook his head. As usual, his words fell on deaf ears, but he was used to it by now. Perrie was an impossibly stubborn woman and wouldn't be persuaded to do anything against her own will. "Whatever you say."

She winked at him and waved goodbye as she turned on her heel. "See you tomorrow," she said with enthusiasm, and soon, she was out of the shop.

It was perfect luck for Perrie that Karl's sweet shop was only half a block away from her apartment. Paired with the fact that she also worked from home, it was an even luckier coincidence. There was hardly any need for her to leave her apartment, save for grocery shopping and getting the mail.

Not to say that Perrie was a hermit or someone who hated people as a rule. She just preferred solitude and the absence of noise sometimes. Of course, she had friends. For instance, there was a nice young couple in her building, whom she got along with very well.

Leigh-Anne was the wife of Andre and once she and Perrie had become close, she began to drop by at random times when Perrie wasn't expecting her.

After Perrie got home from the sweet shop, Leigh-Anne came over and plopped down on the worn plaid couch in her living room. "You really should get a pet or something, Perrie. This apartment is far too empty and foreboding without one."

"Haven't you forgotten? I love empty and foreboding places. It's another way for me to channel my inner Heathcliff."

Leigh-Anne wrinkled her nose. "Terrible book, terrible character. I don't see how you like it." She eyed the half-eaten bag of gummy worms on Perrie's desk as she typed on her computer. "Could I have a few?"

Perrie stopped typing and stared at her friend. "But you hate gummies."

"I know."

"You said they're like edible rubber dipped in corn syrup for flavor."

"Yes, I remember," Leigh-Anne groaned and covered her face with her hand. "I just need a kick at the moment."

Perrie smirked and tossed the bag in Leigh-Anne's direction. "I thought your idea of a "kick" was celery and peanut butter."

"Mm, well, your tastes change when you're pregnant." She grabbed a few gummies and munched on them.

"Wait. You're pregnant? Seriously?"

"Yes. I found out two days ago."

"How far along are you?"

"Two and a half months," Leigh-Anne responded as she chewed on some more gummies. "That's why I had to come over today. Andre has waited on me hand and foot, checking to see if I need anything. He's been so attentive."

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