Life in Color

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A/N: Another fluffy one, because I was in a mood for something cute. 😊 Also FYI, I changed the title of the book, because not all of these oneshots are G!P, so it wouldn't be misleading.

Summary: Your typical soulmate AU, where you see the world in black and white until you meet your soulmate. Perrie is a firefighter and she saves a young woman, who turns out to be the reason why she can suddenly see colors.

The first time Perrie ever laid eyes on her, she's unconscious and lying on the floor in the middle of the room surrounded by flames. The apartment building was on fire; what Perrie assumed was her apartment was on fire, and it was spreading faster with every passing second, the heat getting more intense. There was a chance that the building would collapse on them at any time, and she had to move, and quickly, if there was any hope of the both of them getting out of there alive. And as dire as the situation was, she has to take a moment.

Because from the moment she laid her eyes on the young woman in front of her, her world which had been previously black and white, suddenly turned to color – bright, vivid, and overwhelming.

Perrie's eyes burned as she stood there, staring at the scene in front of her. Colors of orange, yellow, and red were dancing along the walls as the fire blistered and branded, leaving darken charcoal lumps of wood behind. It was almost unbelievable that she would discover her soulmate at a time like this, in the middle of a life-threatening situation, and her other half wasn't even awake for it. And her soulmate was stunning. Beautiful. Breath-taking. Already Perrie was itching to run her hands through the other girl's hair, wishing her eyes were open so that she could see what color they were.

There were many theories on the soulmate phenomenon, each one differing from the next. But no matter the different theories, there was always one tried and true factor. You were born color-blind, seeing only black and white, and various shades of gray, until you found your soulmate. The moment you found your soulmate was the moment you saw the world in color. For some, it was instant. One look was all it took. For others, it was a slow burn. You could be friends with someone for years, never seeing color, and then one day it could all change in an instant. No one could pin down how it all worked exactly.

A piece of ceiling tile fell and landed near the young woman's head and Perrie snapped to attention. She quickly glanced around and pulled a blanket (blue, she noted) from the couch that was still untouched by the rapidly spreading fire. She knelt by the petite girl, leaning down to carefully lift her into her arms. Perrie wrapped the blanket fully around the girl as she cradled her to her chest and then scooped her into her arms.

Perrie could feel the heat from the flames engulfing her from behind as she made her way down two flights of stairs. Her heart was pounding all the way as she hurried, her senses alive with the knowledge that she was currently carrying her soulmate and the need to get her to safety. Another minute, and the blonde finally made it outside, bolting to where the ambulances and paramedics were. Coughing violently, Perrie carefully placed the unconscious woman down on a gurney and pulled off her mask.

"I found her passed out on the floor," Perrie gasped, as she continued to cough. "Please help her!"

"We can take it from here, Perrie," Kamille, one of the EMTs quickly took over and Perrie reluctantly let the woman go, already feeling incredibly protective of her. She moved out of the way and Kamille placed a stethoscope to the woman's chest, listening for a moment. "She's still breathing! I need an oxygen mask here!"

Perrie watched as the EMTs worked, her eyes stuck onto the still woman in front of her, unable to look away. It was strange how quickly her world had changed in a span of a few hours. She'd gone from sleeping peacefully in bed, to fighting a fire, to finding her soulmate. Under the dim lighting of the streetlights, she could see that her hair was caramel brown, and her tan skin was covered with grime and soot. There was an oxygen mask strapped to her face and from the blonde's vantage point, she could see the little breaths of air puffing up against the plastic. Perrie was beyond worried about her, beyond scared for her, and she didn't even know the girl's name.

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