I Got You on My Mind

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Summary: Jade meets a drunken blonde crying in the bathroom at a party. She calls a cab for her and gives her her number so that the girl can text her once she gets home safely. They start texting, a lot.

A/N: Perrie's texts are in italics and Jade's are in bold.

Jade doesn't want to be here. Leigh-Anne insisted for her to come, and since she kept refusing, she literally dragged her to the party. Now, Leigh-Anne is making out somewhere with some random guy, and Jade is left alone. Well, alone is not exactly the right word to describe her situation. She is surrounded by sweaty people dancing to the loud thump resonating in the house. They keep bumping into her, and Jade is getting really annoyed.

The thing is she can't leave, because Leigh-Anne is her ride home, and her friend has disappeared.

Jade sighs. She really, really doesn't want to be here.

A drunken guy suddenly appears next to her, a glass in each hand. He scoots inappropriately close to her, and Jade wants to punch his smug little smile away.

"Hi," he slurs, waggling his eyebrows. "You seemed very lonely so I thought I would bring you a drink."

Jade clenches her jaw.

"Not much of a talker, huh? No problem. We can do other things." Jade resists the urge to shove her fist into his mouth. "Do you want to dance?" the guy asks seductively.

Jade rolls her eyes. "No."

"Are you sure? We could – oops." He loses his balance and trips forward, spilling one of his drinks on Jade's shirt. Jade's eyes open wide as she feels the cold beer on her skin, and the guy bites his lip, ashamed. "I'm really sorry, it was an accident."

Jade closes her eyes, takes a huge breath and pushes him away. She quickly sneaks her way through the crowd towards the bathroom. She pushes the door open and walks to the sink, grumbling. Her new shirt is completely ruined. She turns on the tap, grabs a few paper towels, wetting them and starts rubbing on the stained cloth.

Amazing. Now half of her shirt is drenched, and she is going to freeze to death.

She suddenly hears a sniffing sound holds her breath. "Hello?" She asks.

Another sniff. Exhaling slowly, Jade turns around and pulls the shower curtain open. A girl, who seems to be the same age as her, is lying in the bathtub, curved into a ball. She is holding her knees together, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her face is all red and puffy, and her bottom lip is quivering.

To be perfectly clear, Jade doesn't want to deal with a crying girl right now. She even considers leaving the room and drowning herself in alcohol, but then the girl lets out a quiet sob that leaves a pang in her chest and she can't bring herself to go.

She carefully kneels in front of the tub. "Hey there," she whispers. "You okay?" This is the dumbest question ever, because the girl is clearly everything but okay right now, but she has to start somewhere.

The blonde shakes her head and Jade sighs. "Alright. Do you want to talk about it?"

Once again, the girl shakes her head, a bit more violently this time, and she almost hits her head against the side of the tub.

"What's your name?" Jade asks softly.

"Perrie." The girl's voice is husky and broken.

"Okay, Perrie. How about I get you out of this tub?"

The blonde says nothing for a moment, but then she nods. Jade scoops her arms around her and helps her sit up. She takes another towel and wipes dried tears on the girl's cheeks, before taking her hands and helping her stand. Perrie's legs shake slightly when she steps over the bathtub's side, and Jade guesses she's had a few drinks.

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