Diving into Happiness

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Summary: Jade goes on a trip with her best friend to a cabin in the woods and ends up meeting Perrie, the girl who attempts to teach her how to swim and fails (or, the girl who attempts to steal her heart and succeeds).

Day one

Jade huffs as she heaves a suitcase out from the back of Leigh-Anne's trunk, setting it onto the ground as her best friend comes around to join her in retrieving their bags.

"Aren't you excited, Jade?!" Leigh-Anne asks excitedly. "A whole cabin and pond just to ourselves!"

"Not just to ourselves," Jade grumbles, watching as Leigh-Anne grabs two backpacks. She takes the red one and slips on the straps around her shoulders. "Don't forget the two other girls who are also going to be in the same cabin as us."

"Oh, please!" Leigh-Anne shakes her head, shutting the trunk after getting another suitcase. She walks up the path through the trees. "They're both nice girls! You would know if you bothered to open up the group chat we're in."

Jade sighs. "Whatever."

Leigh-Anne bumps her shoulder with Jade. "Don't be so grumpy! This is our vacation, Jadey. Be happy! We're finally done with high school! We're free!"

"Up until we have to go to college," Jade says, dragging the suitcase behind her and having to lift it over branches and twigs on the ground, "I don't understand why you wanted to rent a cabin. We could've gone and stayed in a hotel or something. Why a cabin?"

"Because I want to get away from everything," Leigh-Anne explains. "And I know you've been wanting to, too."

"What?" Jade pauses as they near the cabin that's just up a few wooden stairs. "How do you know what I want?"

Leigh-Anne rolls her eyes and starts up the stairs. "Don't play dumb with me, Jade! I've known you for my entire life! You've spent the last year of high school wanting nothing more than to escape the city bustle. And now we have! For a week!"

"How fun," Jade drawls, waiting in front of the door as Leigh-Anne digs around her pocket for the paper she'd written the passcode on.

"Ah! Here it is!" Leigh-Anne pulls the paper out in all of its crumpled-up glory and presses the code into the screen next to the door, "You know, for a cabin, it's not really a cabin."

Jade nods, understanding exactly what Leigh-Anne means.

Although the building had been listed as a cabin online, it's more of a modernized version of a wooden house. Walking into the living room from the front door, it's clear that they're going to get their money's worth. Everything is sleek. There's granite and clean white paint mixed in with light wooden planks. The walls are more windows than they are actual walls and the ceiling's high enough to make everything feel that much more spacious.

"We're the first ones here, too, so we can get first pick on our room!" Leigh-Anne states giddily, setting down her suitcase and rushing towards the stairs. "Come on!"

"What? Hold on, Leigh," Jade closes the door behind her and follows her best friend.

"This one! We have to have this one! There are bunk beds!" Leigh-Anne's muffled voice comes from down the hall.

Jade peeks her head through all the rooms before getting to the one Leigh-Anne's in.

"Leigh-Anne?" Jade calls out.

Her head pops out from above the top bunk. "I call the top bunk!"

"Go ahead," Jade laughs, unable to stop herself from smiling at how happy Leigh-Anne's become. "I knew you were excited about coming here because you were so jittery during the car ride, but I didn't know you were this excited."

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