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Summary: Perrie begins to notice her clothes don't fit as well as before, which leads to a spiral of self-doubt, but Jade is there to reassure her and remind her she is loved.

Perrie stood sideways in front of her floor to ceiling mirror, hands smoothing over the front of her shirt and frowning at how it didn't fall as straight as before. Huffing, she took it off and draped it on the bed, inspecting the way her stomach was just a little bit softer than a few months ago, how her jeans were just a little bit tighter.

Perrie frowned at herself and made a note to block out time to go to the gym before changing into more comfortable clothes. She moved into the kitchen in the apartment to make dinner, knowing Jade would be home soon.

Fifteen minutes later she was just setting a stir-fry on the table for Jade and a salad for herself, when Jade breezed in. Perrie turned and was wrapped up in a comforting embrace.

"Hey baba," she murmured as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. "How was work?"

"It was okay, I'm glad to be home, though." Jade leaned back and kissed Perrie softly for a moment before pulling away. "This smells divine," she praised before taking her seat at the table and digging happily into her stir-fry.

Perrie took a seat and began eating her salad. When Jade noticed the difference in their meals she paused, fork halfway to her mouth. "Is that all you're going to eat? You can have some of mine if you want," Jade offered.

Perrie's heart warmed at the offer. "It's alright Jade, I'm not very hungry tonight," she replied.

Part of her weight gain must be her diet, she thought, she just had to cut back on unhealthy food, eat more salads again. The hard part would be saying no to Jade's pout when she wanted pizza or biscuits.

They continued their meal, talking about their respective days and making plans for the weekend that was coming up. Soon their plates were clean, Jade volunteering to do the dishes since Perrie cooked. Perrie curled up on the couch with her tablet, going through her schedule for the next week and adding in extra gym time, listening to Jade singing softly while she did the dishes.

Perrie's thoughts started to wander, her insecurities taking control. It didn't help that they had been so busy lately they hadn't been as intimate as usual, nothing more than a quickie before work since she started gaining weight. Perrie isn't one to lie to herself, there is a nagging in the back of her head that says if Jade were to see her now, she would be turned off and no longer attracted to her.

Jade flopped onto the couch next to her, laying back against the armrest and opening her arms. Almost as if she was reading Perrie's previous thoughts she said. "Can we just cuddle and watch Netflix tonight? I'm exhausted."

Perrie set her tablet aside and smiled at her girlfriend. "Of course, Jadey," she murmured as she curled up in Jade's waiting embrace. She felt at home there as her pillow scrolled through the movie options, but a traitorous part of her whispered that Jade thought she was fat and didn't want to have sex with her. She silenced it firmly, relaxing in the warmth the brunette's body emitted and the small patterns Jade was drawing on her back.


Perrie woke to her alarm on the table beside her, surprised for a moment to be in bed and not still on the couch. Jade must have carried her to bed after she had fallen asleep, she concluded. Groaning, she reached over and silenced her alarm, trying not to disturb the brunette holding her from behind at the ungodly hour she had chosen to go to the gym. Perrie slid out of bed and quickly changed into her gym clothes, making sure to take a change of clothes for work. Within ten minutes she was out the door, but not before leaving Jade a note, wishing her a good day and that she would see her at lunch, signed 'Your Love'.

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