This Is My Kingdom Come pt 2

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Summary: Perrie and Jade are going strong, even though they have to keep their relationship down low. But when Jade has a chance to take her Kingdom back, what does that mean for her and Perrie?

There's a knock on Jade's door and she looks up just to see Perrie peek her head in.

Just by seeing the blonde girl, Jade feels her lips automatically curving up.

"Busy?" Perrie questions, her full body still hidden behind the large door. Jade, who's sitting on the windowsill, turns and stands.

"Yes, I have a lot of work to do, Princess Perrie," Jade's tone is light and teasing.

She has been at the Edwards Kingdom for a few days now, only going out of the castle to visit Leigh-Anne or ride Luna around. She's clearly more than welcome at the castle, and although Jade would usually feel uncomfortable about taking and not giving, she likes being here, and so she's been staying.

When Jade notices Perrie not moving from behind the door, she narrows her eyes.

"What are you hiding?"

The door creaks a little as Perrie pushes it open and Jade gasps at the tiny creature in Perrie's arms. She immediately walks over.

"Oh," she whispers. "Is this...?"

"Yes," Perrie gently kicks the door closed behind her, holding the small furry animal towards Jade, "This is Lia."

The baby direwolf looks barely old enough to be away from her mother. Unlike Shadow, whose coat was an ashy grey color, Lia's coat is light brown with blonde strands riddled in. Her eyes are an emerald green that Jade thinks is just stunning.

"Wow," she takes Lia from Perrie and smiles at the warmth radiating from the small body. "She is beautiful."

"She is only a few months old," Perrie says, leading Jade to the bed so they can sit down. "She is still just a baby."

Jade places Lia on the bed and the animal takes the opportunity to jump around, throwing her small body into soft, fluffy pillows. It makes Jade smile and laugh as she turns around to mess with the direwolf. She moves her hand from side to side on the bed as Lia yelps and follows the movement.

Jade looks up at Perrie, and is taken aback at the fact that Perrie's already staring at her. Like, really staring at her.

"Do I have something on my face?" Jade asks, trying to hide her nervousness from the intense blue eyes staring at her.


"Wow, that was smooth," Jade giggles, unable to keep her laugh in.

Lia attacks her hand playfully and Jade watches as Perrie's smile widens, and then she goes back to playing with Lia.


When Lia almost successfully pees on one of the pillows, Perrie orders one of the servants to take her outside. Jade laughs when Perrie picks up the young animal because the blonde is scrambling to get the direwolf out of the room before she pees everywhere.

"That was not funny," Perrie says as soon as she closes the door behind her, breathing heavily. "Those pillows were gifts from my cousin."

"It was kind of funny," Jade grins when Perrie sits next to her.

They're closer than when they were sitting with Lia on the bed, not that Jade minds.

"I take it you are close with your cousin?"

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