Beautiful Mistake

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Summary: Perrie is about to have a blind date with a person named Alex, who she met on the internet. However, she doesn't know what Alex looks like. All she knows is that her date will be waiting on a bench by the lake in the park, wearing something red and reading a book. On the same day Jade decides to go the park with her favourite book to read and clear her mind. As fate would have it, she's wearing a red shirt.

Perrie feels nervous. She's standing in her room in front of her closet. Her eyes scan through her closet, and she finally settles with a red blouse and light blue jeans, which hug her ass perfectly. She grabs the book that she had placed onto her desk, and checks herself out in the mirror one last time.

Going to the park is something she enjoys doing, but today she feels nervous. She looks at the watch on her wrist.


She has to get going. At 2pm she has what could be considered some type of blind date. To try something new, she had tried out a dating app her friend had been suggesting, and now she's been chatting with a person called Alex for a few weeks. She has no idea what Alex looks like. All she knows is that they're about the same age, and that they live in the same city. They had agreed to meet each other in the park, on the bench by the lake. To be able to recognize each other, they had both agreed to wear something red and to bring a book.

Usually she wouldn't agree to meet up with a stranger, but it's a public place, so it's safe enough. Plus, as an extra safety, she has an agreement with her best friend, Andre. All she'd need to do is send him a single smiley and he would rush to the park. It seemed a bit silly that he would be in the coffee shop across the street from the park just in case, but he means well and Perrie thinks it's sweet.

Perrie grabs her keys, locks her door, puts her phone in the pocket of her jeans, and heads to the door.

When she reaches the park, she glances at her phone. 2pm. She's right on time. But when she gets closer to the bench, she notices that it's empty. She looks around – the park is bustling with people – but not a single person matching the description catches her eye. Perrie sighs and sits under a tree. There's nothing else she can do but wait.


"Come on, Jade. It's Sunday, can't we just chill and watch a movie?" Leigh-Anne groans. She drops herself onto the couch. "It's comfy."

Jade shakes her head. "No, Leigh-Anne. How can you stay inside? The weather is perfect – it's 27 degrees outside and the sun is shining. We could go to the park."

Jade enjoys living close to the park. She often goes there to run for a while or to read a book.

"Ugh, I think I'll pass, it's too hot. Besides, you're just going to grab a book again and sit on that bench. You could read here on the couch, you know. Do you really want to go outside to sweat your tits off? We have an AC for a reason."

Jade shakes her head. "It's nicer to be outside, to have some fresh air. It helps to clear my mind while I read."

Leigh-Anne places her feet on the table in front of their couch and grabs the remote, starting her endless zapping before deciding what to watch.

"Okay, but don't lose track of what time it is. I'll have dinner ready at 6." Leigh-Anne waves her hand. "Have fun with your boring book."

Jade rolls her eyes. "It's not boring, Leigh. I'll be back at 6."

When Jade arrives at the park and finds her favorite bench near the lake, she's happy to see that it's empty. A gentle breeze tickles her skin and the soft splashes of the lake fill her ears. She takes a deep breath and smiles. She's ready to spend her afternoon relaxing and enjoying the summery weather with her favourite book.

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