Gal Pals

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Summary: The one where Perrie and Jade decide to let Leigh-Anne figure out they're dating on her own except it doesn't exactly go as planned because Leigh is oblivious.

"Hey, come in." A glance behind Andre through the door shows Perrie that he is alone. "Where's Leigh?"

"She's getting the pizza. She'll be here soon."

Perrie grins at the thought of pizza and shuts her apartment door behind her.

"Beer?" Jade calls from the kitchen, already on her way to the fridge. Perrie's grin stays in place as she watches Jade move so easily through her kitchen. She loves how at home Jade makes herself in her apartment.

"Can you get me one too?" Perrie asks as she moves across the room to spread the snacks across the coffee table. It's just the four of them for movie night tonight, but you wouldn't know that based on the number of snacks spread out across the table. It looks enough to feed a small army.

"You sure you don't want anything stronger?"

Perrie shakes her head. "Beer is good for now."

Jade retrieves two beers from the fridge and hands the first one to Andre.

"Hey." Andre smiles at the brunette. "Thanks."

Jade smiles in return. "Hey. How are you?"

"I'm definitely ready for pizza, beer, and a night off work."

Jade nods in agreement. "Me too."

Next Jade makes her way over to where Perrie is fussing over the food. She sidles up to stand beside Perrie as she surveys the coffee table.

"Do you think we have enough snacks? I can run out and get some more."

Jade shakes her head, a fond smile on her face. "I think we have plenty of food. Don't forget we have pizza too."

Perrie turns to Jade, takes the beer from her outstretched hand, and lets their fingers brush ever so slightly as she takes it. That's all they can do tonight, no unnecessary or blatant contact. Cuddling during the movie they'd agreed they could still do, but anything more than that is off limits until they're alone again.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

A smirk. "I usually am."

"I knew it!"

Andre's shout startles Perrie and Jade, their eyes quickly finding a grinning Andre across the room.

Perrie's eyes flash to Jade's then back to Andre's again.

"... Knew what exactly?"

Andre gestures between the two of them, grin on his face. "That you're together."

Jade's mouth drops open while Perrie splutters.

"That's not... We're not... Jade and I..."

Andre's laughter cuts her off. "Want to try that again?"

Perrie bites her lip, looks uncertainly towards Jade as they share a look. They'd been keeping their relationship a secret because it was so new, something that was actually pretty easy with how busy they'd been recently. But tonight was the first night in the three weeks since they'd begun dating that their friends would see them together and apparently Andre could tell from just one look.

A nod from Jade halts any more denials Perrie has on the tip of her tongue. She sighs. "How did you know?"

"I have eyes. It's obvious."

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