Liquid Courage

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Summary: Jade has a huge crush on lingerie model Perrie Edwards. One night, after a few too many drinks, she ends up commenting on Perrie's latest Instagram photo with a corny pick-up line. (mature)

A/N: FYI, I edited the summaries so that you know if the oneshot includes mature content, so you can avoid/choose to read those ones specifically.🙈

Jade's got it bad.

As if there has ever been any doubt about that.

The photo on the screen of her phone is just further unnecessary proof of that fact. Jade tries telling herself that she's just appreciative of an expensive matching lingerie set but the truth is that she's halfway in love with the gorgeous model and the soft curves that the lace frames.

Besides, Jade might as well appreciate the latest photograph that underwear model Perrie Edwards has posted to her Instagram account – it's been shared to be looked at, though perhaps not with the kind of meticulous attention that Jade uses to admire every freckle.

There's no question about it, Perrie Edwards is gorgeous. Anybody with a working pair of eyes can see that. That she was placed upon this earth specifically to model underwear, Jade has no doubt. But sometimes she wonders whether Perrie's existence has a secondary purpose – to torture Jade with those pretty blue eyes and the curve of her smiling lips and each flash of delicious skin.

"You've got it bad."

Leigh-Anne's comment, while undeniably true, is the unwelcome gravity that sends Jade's thoughts plummeting back to reality.

"She's so pretty," whines Jade, staring mournfully at the picture for the final few seconds, before she continues scrolling down her Instagram feed.

"Yeah, because you were definitely admiring her face," Leigh-Anne comment dryly, giving Jade a knowing stare. "Trust you to fall for a girl who's famous."

"I haven't fallen for her," Jade pouts. "I'm just appreciative of her work."

Jade scrolls back up to look at Perrie's picture once more, and her heart twists painfully in her chest at the smoldering gaze that Perrie gives the camera. Finally deciding to stop torturing herself with daydreams about what will never be, Jade locks her phone and slides it into her pocket, then gestures to the half-empty bottle of wine.

"I need a stronger drink."


Jade has a nine o'clock class in the morning, yet she still allows Leigh-Anne to ply her with generous amounts of wine, still allows herself to be dragged out into town to continue their night at a club when she promised herself earlier that she would only have two drinks and then be in bed by eleven.

It's a dangerous game to play, but once Jade becomes aware that she is way drunker than she planned to be, she decides to embrace it and orders the next round of shots – tequila this time – much to the delight of her best friend.

Her mind is fuzzy as she stumbles away from the dance floor and down a dark corridor with unpleasantly sticky floors towards the women's bathroom. There's a queue lining up outside, a string of drunk girls complimenting each other's dresses and chatting loudly over the thump of music as they wait for one of the stalls to free up and Jade joins the back of it, fishing her phone out of the pocket of her pants to pass the time.

When she unlocks the screen, it's still open on the Instagram post from earlier, and Jade's eyes pop out of her head once more as they are greeted by the sight of Perrie Edwards' lace-clad body. The sight knocks the air out of Jade's lungs, and she feels giddy. It might be the alcohol, but she's pretty sure that this photo really isn't helping the matter. Jade feels as though she could stare at this photo all week, that Perrie's sultry blue eyes and the expanse of creamy skin on display could keep Jade sustained better than the food and oxygen that science says her body needs to survive.

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