Love Is Blind

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Summary: The one where Perrie moves in with Jade and is shocked to discover that she wears glasses.

In Perrie's honest defence, she wasn't even aware that Jade wore glasses.

"What about when we went to beach two years ago?" she demands, staring at the black frames balanced across the brunette's nose. "Did you have glasses then?"

Jade adjusts them with two fingers, peering at her through the lenses. "I think it's pretty safe to say I've had them ever since I got them, Perrie. Which is, oh, about fifteen years ago."

"But did you wear them?" Perrie persists, her frown deepening. "I'm really sure I would have remembered you wearing them."

Jade pauses then, her brow furrowing. "Well. I always wear them at the end of the day. Like, right before going to bed. So..."

"So only in your room, then." At Jade's nonchalant shrug, Perrie throws her hands up into the air, huffing exasperatedly. "I can't believe you've managed to hide this for so long."

"To be fair, I wasn't hiding," Jade points out, a touch of colour rising in her cheeks. "I just don't like to wear them when I'm out. That's not hiding."

"You've been wearing contacts all these years," Perrie mutters, shaking her head. "Those are contacts I've been looking at, all these years."

"It's not like I've been wearing a wig or something," Jade points out, looking vaguely offended. She pauses, looking at the blonde. "Although, if you happen to come across a face mask made of something that looks a little like human skin-"

"Fuck you," Perrie says easily, stretching her leg across the couch to kick lightly at Jade's knee. Of all the jokes they've cracked between them over the last couple of weeks about moving in together to save on rent, this one definitely ranks near the bottom. "Okay, so why are you wearing the glasses now? Are you going to bed at..." she spares a quick glance at the clock in the corner of the news channel they're watching, "...eight forty-nine P.M.?"

Jade shifts, the flush returning to her cheeks. "Cute. And no, I'm not going to bed. I ran out of contacts."

Perrie raises a brow. "You what?"

Jade shrugs. "I ran out. I gotta get some more."

Perrie stares at the brunette, forehead crinkled with disbelief. "You've been successfully hiding behind your contacts for the last fifteen years, and all of a sudden you just... ran out?"

"Okay, again, I wasn't hiding," Jade says. "And, well, sometimes shit happens." At Perrie's questioning frown, she shrugs. "Shit like, I don't know, when you accidentally throw out the contacts that were supposed to last you the rest of the year before you get a chance to pick up a new pair."

"You what?!"

Jade rolls her eyes, but the hue of her skin still looks distinctly redder than it usually does, even under the warmth of their living room lights. "I'll put in an order for new contacts tomorrow. Anyway, it's no big deal. They're just glasses."

Except it is kind of a big deal, for some inexplicable reason Perrie can't quite put her finger on. Something the way those black frames sit squarely across Jade's face just makes her stare, the angle of her jawline and the soft arch of her brows all suddenly ramped up to an eleven. Even her lips look fuller than usual, plumper and ever so slightly redder than she can remember them being.

It's like Jade's wearing the glasses, but Perrie's the one seeing several times clearer all of a sudden.

"Yeah, okay," Perrie mutters as nonchalantly as she can, settling back into the couch to pretend she's watching the news, instead of watching her roommate out of the corner of her eye.

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