Opposites Attract

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Summary: Perrie and Jade are working in the same company. Perrie is bubbly and talkative whereas Jade is serious and silent. Perrie is determined to unravel the mystery that is Jade Thirlwall. G!P Jade (mature)

Perrie lay asleep in a pile of papers in the office's cafeteria. Her co-worker, Leigh-Anne, walked up and smiled, dropping her tray onto the table next to her sleeping friend with a loud bang of metal on metal.

"Fuck!" Perrie popped up, her big blue eyes opened wide and reddened as Leigh-Anne took her seat, laughing. "Why, wh-wha-". Perrie shook her head and realized what had happened, "You're the worst." More of Perrie's work friends, Aaron and Harry, came and sat around the pair as she got her papers in order and out of the way.

"You look exhausted," Aaron said.

"We all are," Harry added.

"Yeah, but Perrie looks, like, beat up," Aaron clarified.

"Thanks," Perrie said, rolling her eyes, but laughing a little. LMX, the company Perrie worked for, had been adding more and more work onto their coder's plates, four of whom were Perrie and the three people she was sitting with. "I don't know. These deadlines just keep getting moved up. I just think we need so-"

Perrie lost her words as a girl entered the cafeteria. A petite brunette with an elegant walk about her, curly locks tied back in a ponytail. Perrie watched as the girl picked up a salad, dropped a bill at the cashier, then turned to the first open table she saw and sat down to eat alone. It was an odd sight. One, the girl was gorgeous. To the point where Perrie couldn't finish her sentence. Her face was serious... and yet her eyes seemed to shine. Mischievously? Sternly? Perrie couldn't tell. The other reason the sight was odd was because the girl was eating alone. LMX had a great culture. Co-workers often became good friends. It was rare to see someone eating alone.


Perrie snapped back into the conversation. "Yeah?" She said.

"Where'd you go?" Leigh-Anne asked.

"Sorry, I just...who's that?" She asked. The table did a quick collective turn towards the girl and then back.

"A cold bitch," Aaron rolled his eyes. Harry gave him a punch on the arm, "Ow, what? She is!"

"I'm confused," Perrie said.

"They call her the cold bitch," Leigh-Anne explained, "Although, Harry thinks that's too harsh."

Harry shrugged, "I mean, she's got a job to do and she's doing it. Can't blame her for that."

"Seriously, can someone explain this normally," Perrie asked again.

"Okay," Leigh-Anne said, "You know how a month ago our workload started increasing steadily. That's because of her. She's a little higher up on the business side of things. Apparently, she's some sort of fixer. Jade Thirlwall."

"Jade?" Perrie repeated, looking back at the girl. It was strange. The way Jade was being described made her sound like some old crabby boss. In reality, she looked about the same age as Perrie.

Harry chimed in, "Mhm. Projects weren't getting done on time so she's sort of a logistical genius. There's a rumor she used to be a codebreaker for the government."

"What?" Perrie said, cocking her head in disbelief. "Does she know how to code, like, how we code? Can she program?"

"No," Aaron now butted in, "Probably could if she wanted. She was a codebreaker like puzzles and spy messages and shit. At least that's what people say. But no, she can't code like us. That's why she doesn't understand how hard all these deadlines she expects from us really are."

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