More Than Friends

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Summary: Perrie and Jade hooked up one movie night and have been for the past few months. Jade assumes they are together now, but Perrie thinks it's just sex but wants more.

I'm going to miss you tonight, have fun with Leigh ❤️

How can a simple text make her heart flutter while simultaneously filling her stomach with dread. No, dread is the wrong word but whatever the feeling is, it's not a good one. Fear, maybe?

Fear is a better word. Fear of losing Jade, fear of destroying their friendship, fear of being heartbroken.

"You okay there?" Leigh-Anne asks from beside her. Perrie quickly puts her phone away.

"I'm fine," she answers, giving her friend a smile she knows is fooling no one.

"You can talk to me, you know that, right?" Leigh-Anne asks, leaning into her side and Perrie slips into the feeling, let's the warmth of Leigh-Anne's embrace calm her.

"Of course I know that. I just... I don't know where to start."

How is she meant to tell Leigh-Anne about this thing with Jade when she doesn't even know what it is herself?

"Does it have something to do with the text you just got?"

"Did you see it?" Perrie asks, pulling away from Leigh-Anne's side so she can see her. She doesn't know how to tell her friend what's been happening lately, but if she saw the message, if she's guessed what's going on, it could make things a lot easier.

Leigh-Anne shakes her head. "What's going on?"

"I..." Perrie opens her mouth, closes it, only to open it again, but no words come out. She really has no idea how to start.

"Never mind actually, it doesn't matter," Perrie says with a shake of her head.

If she says this out loud, it makes it real, it makes it something she can no longer deny, and it means she going to have to do something about it.

And she definitely doesn't want to lose Jade.

"Hey," Leigh-Anne says softly, nudging Perrie in the side. "If you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to. We can order some takeout and put on another movie so you can forget about whatever's on your mind. But if you do want to talk, I'm here, okay?"

Perrie pauses to think and bites her lip. "Can we order takeout anyway?"

Leigh-Anne laughs. "Of course."

"Okay." Perrie takes a deep breath; she can do this. "Do you remember that movie night you and Andre couldn't make it to?"

Leigh-Anne brow furrows as she thinks. "You mean the one a few months ago?"

Perrie nods.

"What about it?" Leigh-Anne prompts when Perrie makes no move to continue.

"That night...umm...we...Jade...she and umm..." Why was this so hard?

Leigh-Anne takes Perrie's hand, gives it a squeeze. "What happened?"

"We...well...we sort of kissed?" It comes out as more of a question, but they definitely kissed that night, they did a lot more than kiss that night.

"You two kissed?"

She nods. "We were just sitting there, watching a movie, and then next thing I knew, we were kissing." Perrie still has no idea what prompted Jade that night, but that kiss had definitely been the best first kiss of her life. "And then know," Perrie says, putting emphasis on the last words. She really hopes Leigh-Anne gets the hint because she's not sure she can say it out loud.

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