Pebbles and Sandwiches

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Summary: The one where Jade is a pro at skipping pebbles and Perrie tries but gets distracted.

St. James's Park Lake has always been one of one of Jade's favourite spots to relax. It was a beautiful area; the overall scenery of the place was magical.

It was a slightly chilly afternoon and Jade was out by the lake. Though it was a weekend away she still had to do some work. She was in the final stretch of writing her PhD and she didn't want to waste any free time she had left to finish it. She sat on one of the picnic tables in the area, typing away at her laptop whilst her nephew Karl was skipping pebbles into the lake.

From time to time someone would past and instinctively she would look up to make sure Karl was okay before returning to her work. About fifteen minutes pass before Karl grew bored of skipping rocks and went to sit next to his aunt. He knows she's busy, so he doesn't disturb her, but simply rests his head on the table.

Jade stops typing, turning to look at Karl. She feels slightly bad; he must have been bored out of his mind. His parents had gone to get some groceries, which was one of Karl's least favourite things to do. Between work and finishing her PhD she hasn't spent a lot of time with her nephew over these past few months. So she saves her work, closes her laptop and puts it away in her backpack.

"Let's play a game."

Karl raises his head immediately. "What type of game?"

"Come on," she smiles. Jade stands up and walks towards the water.

Karl follows closely behind.

Jade puts her bag on the ground, making sure that it was well away from the water. Bending down she picks up a pebble and throws it between her hands. "Let's see who can skip better?"

Karl grins. "It's on!"


This was Perrie's first time in St. James's Park Lake, and she was absolutely loving it. She was here with her best friend Leigh-Anne, who had decided to do a last minute hike for her afternoon activity. However, Perrie was not exactly the most outdoorsy person – so she opted to spend her afternoon by the lake. Leigh-Anne was fine with it. At least this way she wouldn't be worrying about Perrie tripping her own two feet as they hiked the mountain.

So Perrie was now walking by the lake. She had her headphones in, a sandwich sub in one hand and was skipping rocks into the lake with her other hand. It was a cold afternoon, so there weren't many people out and about. In the distance she could see two people also skipping rocks into the lake and the competitive nature in her starts to strike.

She watches the girl skip the pebble five times across the lake. Impressive. The little boy manages to match the girl's throw and skips the pebble five times as well. Perrie turns to the lake and throws the pebble in her hand. The pebble skips across the water, 1... 2... and it sinks.

"Shit," Perrie whispers. She takes a bite of her sandwich and continues to walk.

As she draws nearer to the two people skipping rocks, she sees them clearer. The little boy is wearing a blue Nike jumper and some cargo shorts. But the girl, Perrie could barely take her eyes off her. Her brown curls fell across her shoulders and the smile she wore as she watched the little boy made her heart melt.

Perrie's stops not too far away from them. She turns to lake and takes in the scene before her. The green of the trees, the lake in front of the glistened blue and she could tell the water was ice cold. The skies were an equal shade of blue, not a cloud in the sky, allowing the sun to provide some warmth in amongst the windy afternoon.

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