Recipe for Love

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Summary: Jade has a craving for Christmas cookies, but store bought ones won't cut it, so Perrie agrees to bake with her best friend (and pretend she's not pining after her).

"I want cookies," Jade whines halfway through watching Love Actually. "It's not Christmassy enough without Christmas cookies."

"Okay, well...Do you have any cookies?" Perrie asks, an amused smile playing at her lips.

"No. That's the problem," Jade pouts.

"We can buy some when we go shopping," Perrie promises.

"You can't buy  Christmas cookies!" Jade looks aghast.

"What? Why not?"

"You have to make them! With love. That's what makes them proper Christmas cookies."

Perrie smirks. "Store bought ones don't have love?"

"Exactly," Jade replies.

"Well, we could make some, then?" Perrie suggests. She hasn't done a ton of baking, but she's pretty good at following a recipe.

"We don't have any unsalted butter," Jade mutters.

Perrie rolls her eyes. "Would you like to go shopping for baking ingredients?" she asks, pausing the movie.

Jade beams at her and nods enthusiastically. "See? This is why you're my best friend. You get me."

Perrie keeps her own smile in place and pretends that the words "best friend" don't hurt.


They somehow don't think to look up a specific recipe until they're already in the grocery store, which is maybe not their best plan. They're just milling around the baking aisle, looking up recipes, all of which Jade rejects for some reason or another.

"What are you looking for in a Christmas cookie, Jadey?" Perrie finally demands after Jade has dismissed chocolate cookies with marshmallows as being "too much work".

Jade wrinkles up her nose in that adorable way that always makes Perrie's heart beat just that little bit faster.

"I don't know. I like my mom's cookies."

Perrie rolls her eyes, pulls out her phone, and shoots Jade's mom a text asking for her Christmas cookie recipe.

She gets a reply a few minutes later.

"Jade, do you mean her sugar cookies with the icing?"

Jade's eyes light up. "Yeah!"

Perrie texts Norma again, and a minute later a picture of an old handwritten recipe gets sent to her. A second recipe for the icing follows a minute later.

"We need oranges," Perrie says, scanning the ingredients.

"Oh yeah! They do taste kind of orangey. It's the best." Jade grins like she's remembering just how they taste.

Perrie laughs and rolls her eyes again, then hooks her arm through Jade's and drags her to the fruit section.

Jade is so smart and yet sometimes she acts so...ridiculous. Perrie loves her. She really does.

It's a problem, really, but she doesn't want to think about it. She loves her in more than one way, and she focuses on the kind that won't risk ruining their friendship. It's for the best.


"Okay, so ⅔ cup of shortening," Perrie says, measuring it out carefully.

"Can I dump it in?" Jade asks.

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