Take a Sip of My Secret Potion

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Summary: The one where Alex buys a love potion to make Perrie fall in love with him, but it goes horribly wrong.

Downtown in the city center, a magical realm and bustling haven for those gifted with magic, Alex was nervously fidgeting as he paid for something highly illegal.

"Come on lady," he said, nervously looking around and adjusting the hoodie over his hair. It would do no good for someone to recognize him doing shady back-alley magic business.

"Done." The grey-haired lady he was speaking with was an established 'black magic' dealer, eyes an icy grey that promised trouble and a smile so wicked he should really know better than to deal. "One thousand chips, as we agreed."

Alex handed the bag of money over like the fool he was, ignoring all warning signs and trading for the illegal substance being traded: a vial of liquid, neon pink in colour.

"Pleasure doing business with you," the woman said in a haunting tone right before she magicked her newly acquired chips to disappear with a dramatic flourish of her excessively long finger-nailed hands, her menacing grin widening at her new fortune.

"So how does this work?" Alex asked her, eyeing the vial. "I just need to get her to drink it?"

"Love potions will work, but only within God's laws," the grey-haired lady warned Alex, tone eerie and mysterious.

"The fuck does that mean?" He demanded to know, having relinquished a lot of coin for this heart-warping commodity.

Love potions were banned magic, and he knew if he was caught, he was so fucked. But the heart wants what the heart wants, and his heart wants Perrie back.

"Your lesson to learn kid," the woman's voice was firm and suddenly missing all mysterious shade, warning him to not be an idiot. Still, she told him how to work the potion. "It needs to be consumed within two hours from now to work, and the potion will take effect by sunrise. It will last six months until it wears off or is countered with an anti-potion."

Waving her egregious fingernails, she was gone, the only sign she had been there was a wisp of glittery smoke. Alex looked down at the pink liquid in his hands. This was it. This was how he was going to get Perrie back.


Alex was feeling confident. There was a party in one of the sorority houses, which was a perfect opportunity to execute his plan.

President of the student council, Jade Thirlwall had everything roaring on full cylinders, and if Alex was in any other mood, he would be excited with the firework charms and the quality of the surround sound music spell – and if he was still with Perrie he would most definitely be playing a game of Mystical Pong.

Perrie was easy to find, laughing with her friends by a table.

I'm sorry Alex, but we can't do this anymore, she had said over a month ago, walking away from him after, dumping him like the empty coffee cup she had tossed in a recycling portal nearby.

He needed her back, and he hated how happy she looked without him. Gripping the vial tighter in his fist, Alex hid his hands in his hoodie's pockets before approaching her.


Perrie froze, having hoped at least for tonight she could be free of this particular asshole.

Leigh-Anne gave him a look of annoyance, but he ignored it, as he tended to ignore all signs.

"Alex, hey." Perrie had broken up with him over a month ago now and after a lot of begging her to take him back, she had finally admitted to him that she was with someone else. Whether it was the truth or just a coping mechanism, Alex felt this was his last chance to get her back, and his desperation was what led him to a black-market magic dealer to get his hands on a forbidden potion.

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