Love Came Out of Nowhere pt 5

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A/N: Here it is, the final chapter!


"What are you doing here?"

Perrie feels the words leave her mouth, hears them loud and clear in the now silent hallway. But still, she can't quite comprehend the situation. Because it defies belief. It defies reason. And it quite simply cannot be happening. It's like something out of a dream.

Well, a nightmare actually.

Andre moves backwards to clear the doorway and then, just like that, Alex steps into her home.

"Hello, Perrie."

The hairs on the back of Perrie's neck stand up and her hands subconsciously ball into fists as she stares at him in bewilderment. There are a number of questions ricocheting around her head. How and why is he here? How did he even know that she would be here tonight? Does he just drive past her parent's place every once in a while, hoping that she's visiting on the off-chance?

Whatever the reason, this is tragic. Just when she thought her night couldn't possibly get any worse, up pops Alex to remind her of the terrible decisions she'd made some hours ago. The universe has it in for her, she's sure of that.



Jade stands on the doorstep, peering up at the man who has opened the door of Perrie's house. Only he's not a man as such. He's a boy, no older than 15, maybe 16 at a push. And he is clearly very intoxicated, swaying on the spot with a red solo cup clutched in his hand.

"Um... Is Perrie here please?" Jade asks hesitantly. "I'm Jade, by the way."

She holds her hand out for the boy to shake but he just stares at it dumbly before taking another sip of his drink.

This is very odd.

Her relatives tend not to give their underage children alcohol at family gatherings. However, if Perrie's family are anything like Perrie herself, they're probably more easy-going and liberal than most people.

It sounds like it's quite a party too. Now that the door has been opened, she can hear loud music coming from within the house. The people inside sound like they're having a great time. Perhaps this is fine.

"Are you the stripper?" the boy slurs at her.

This is not fine.

"Excuse me?!" Jade exclaims, mouth agape. "Did you just say stripper because I can assure you I-"

She doesn't get to finish her sentence because the boy grabs her by the sleeve and pulls her stumbling into the house.



"What are you doing here?" Perrie repeats as she gets to her feet.

"Don't you remember?" Alex asks with a sickly smile.

"Remember what?" Perrie snaps.

She remembers him stripping to his boxers the middle of a public bathroom. She remembers her skin crawling when he had tried to kiss her. She also distinctly remembers telling him to fuck off so why he's here, crashing her family gathering, is a total mystery.

"You invited me over when we saw each other at the bowling alley. It was so good to catch up with you earlier, Perrie. Anyway, you said I should pop by whenever I was in the neighbourhood and well, here I am," Alex chortles. "Oh, are you having a party?" he asks, craning his neck to look towards the living room.

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