Black Magic

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Summary: When Perrie casts a love spell on accident, seemingly everyone around her is affected except for the one person she wants - Jade.

Scrutinizing the tattered, leather-bound book in hand, Perrie's fingers rap a steady pattern against the table's surface as she weighs the pros and cons of her situation. On the one hand, happening across a mysterious mystical spell book is not an everyday occurrence, and she should capitalize on the situation by reading its contents to give her an edge over her classmates. On the other hand, the spells contained within could have dire consequences beyond her wildest dreams and the book should be relinquished to Principal Rowland as soon as possible to prevent widespread catastrophe.

You should turn it in. Perrie can practically hear Jade's voice in her head. It's the right thing to do.

"Ugh, I know, I know." Perrie throws her arms up in frustration. "Why can't I get you out of my head!"

"Something's stuck in your head?"

Jade's actual voice catches Perrie by surprise, startling the blonde witch so badly that she nearly falls out of her chair. Perrie whips her head to the side, face flushed crimson from a multitude of mixed emotions, as she addresses the unexpected intrusion's presence.

"Jade! What are you doing here? I mean, not here here, since we both go to school together and we're classmates and– never mind, I'm going to stop talking now."

Unfazed by Perrie's rambling, Jade flashes her a cheerful smile.

"I was on my way to look for Leigh-Anne because we're supposed to go to the market with Claude today, but I peeped you sitting here all alone in the potions classroom and thought I'd say hi." Narrowing her eyes and leaning in close, Jade seemingly fails to notice the blush on Perrie's face deepen from the close proximity. "So what exactly is stuck in your head? A mind controlling creature?"

Perrie's eyes dart left and right as she chuckles nervously. "I-it's nothing, really. I'm fine."

"Hmm," Jade hums slowly, tapping her chin. "That's something a mind controlling creature would say."

"No, really, everything's alright." Perrie pats the book resting on the desk, drawing Jade's attention to the innocuous item. "I found this tiny book wedged in a crack in the wall in the library. It looks like a spell book, or maybe even a journal of sorts, because there's handwritten notes everywhere and some spells I've never even heard of before."

Jade's eyes light up at the mention of unknown spells. "And there's no name in it?"

"None that I can discern."


"What do you think I should do with it?"

"Well, you should probably turn it in," Jade remarks.

Perrie snorts to herself - of course.

"But... there's probably no harm in taking a quick look inside before handing it over, right?" Jade drawls out innocently. "Besides, there might be something really cool in there."

Grinning at the compromise, Perrie nods. "I like that plan, let's do that."

Pulling up a chair beside her, Jade plops down in the seat and excitedly taps her hands against the table in anticipation. "Let's crack this baby open!"

Opening the cover feels like unearthing the path to a long-lost civilization filled with endless wonder. Each flip of the page leads to a new spell with horribly unoriginal names and brief descriptions scrawled beneath it, some even accompanied by poorly-drawn illustrations as if the blurbs were not adequate enough to get the point across. Ranging from the harmless in nature to some particularly nasty looking spells and elixirs, it seems that the author of the book wrote down whatever came to mind without discretion.

Jerrie Oneshot BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora