Love Came Out of Nowhere pt 3

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Jade glances down at her watch and then looks in the direction of the bathrooms once again. Lily's been gone a while now she she's beginning to wonder if the blonde might have ditched her. She scolds herself for the ridiculous thought. They're having a great time, even with that weird bartender hanging around like a bad smell.

Would it be totally weird if she went to the bathroom to see if Lily's okay? Accidents happen all the time. What if she's slipped on a wet patch on the floor and got a concussion? Or maybe she picked a cubicle with a faulty lock and now she's trapped? She scolds herself again. She has a habit of letting her imagination run riot when she has too much time to think. Maybe she should have been a writer, not a lawyer.

Still, she could do with freshening up. She can reapply her lip balm and set her mind at ease at the same time. Two birds in one stone.

Only when she reaches the women's bathroom and pushes open the door, the scene she sees before her knocks the air out of her lungs.


Lily's there alright. She's standing way too close to the simpleton of a bartender from earlier, who for some reason is wearing next to nothing. In the split second before either of them notices her, Jade's stomach lurches violently. Her scarf is wrapped around the pair of them in what looks like some bizarre bondage practice. Nothing about this scenario says 'old school friends'.

"Jade!" Lily cries, frantically trying to detangle herself. "Whatever you think is happening here is definitely not what's happening here."

Jade's head is spinning as Lily pushes Alex away and smoothes down her shirt. She feels like a complete fool. Was she really naive enough to believe that a girl like Lily would genuinely be interested in her? Yes. She was.

"I'm just gonna go," Jade murmurs, reaching blindly behind her for the door handle.

"Please don't leave," Lily pleads, reaching out for her arm.

Jade pulls back as though burned and squeezes her eyes shut in an effort to block out the inexplicable surge of guilt she's feeling. Please don't leave? As if she should feel bad about wanting to escape this god-awful situation. As if she has any choice in the matter.

"Look, I thought we made a connection this evening but obviously I was wrong," Jade says stiffly, unable and unwilling to look Lily in the eye. "Clearly you have something going on with him. You're rekindling something from your school days or whatever. I'm out."

She turns to walk out of the bathroom and away from this disaster when she feels Lily's hand on her shoulder. She twists out of her grasp harshly and turns, working her features into her best death-glare.

"Jade, please just let me explain."

Something in Lily's voice gives her pause and she slowly looks up into captivating blue eyes. In that second, she knows she's done for. The blonde looks so distressed with her eyes wide and lower lip trembling. Part of Jade wants to hear her out, but the other part doesn't want to listen. Doesn't want to hear the excuses. She's heard them all before and then some. Disappointment takes a back seat and frustration bubbles to the surface.

"You don't have to explain," she hisses and Lily flinches. "Really, it's fine."

"Jade, just take it down a notch," Alex chimes in. "Calm down. Don't be so hard on Perrie."

Jade does a double-take. "Who is Perrie?" she questions, furrowing her brow. "Why is he calling you Perrie?"

Lily looks like a deer caught in headlights. Alex is opening and closing his mouth like a particularly stupid goldfish. Jade works her jaw back and forth as she waits for an explanation.

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