Make You Mine

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Summary: When Perrie accidentally sends a text about Jade to Jade, she spends a very long night freaking out about the possible consequences. They turn out to be anything but what she expected.




Perrie threw her phone down in frustration, then picked it up again, glaring at the screen as if she could will the three little dots that would tell her Leigh-Anne was replying to pop up. As if Leigh-Anne didn't have anything better to do on a Friday night than stare at her phone waiting for Perrie's inevitable meltdown. She could be anywhere, doing anything – or anyone – she wanted.

So could you, Perrie's subconscious – which sounded suspiciously like Leigh-Anne at the moment – reminded her. It was a conversation they had all too often. Her and Leigh-Anne, not her and her subconscious. She was much better at shutting down the latter than the former when the topic of Perrie's love life, or lack thereof, came up.

After what felt like hours, Leigh-Anne finally texted back.

Leigh-Anne: I would ask why who was like what, but that would be a waste of both of our time.

Leigh-Anne: What did she do now?

Perrie sighed.

Perrie: Nothing. She did absolutely nothing.

She was perfectly sweet and friendly.

Leigh-Anne: And that's the problem?

And that was the problem.

She could see Leigh-Anne was typing again, but Perrie switched over to her thread with Jade to read the last message she'd sent for the hundredth time in the last... had it really only been fifteen minutes? It felt like much longer.

Jade: Gotta go. Overnight shift at work, ugh. Maybe we can meet up in the morning?

Perrie: Won't you be tired?

Jade: Even a tired girl has to eat. 😉

Perrie hadn't responded. She hadn't known how to respond.

Leigh-Anne's message popped up on her screen.

Leigh-Anne: Crazy idea – just hear me out – but maybe you should TALK TO HER?!

Perrie started typing furiously, because what kind of advice was that? If she was capable of talking to Jade – about anything other than classes and dorm drama and other subjects of no consequence – she wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!

Perrie: And say what?!

Perrie: Hey Jade, I think you're amazing and smart and funny and beautiful and I've had a crush on you since the day we met and now the crush is crushing me because I'm pretty sure somewhere along the line I fell in love with you and I just keep falling and it's like I want to kiss you and marry you and you barely know I exist!

She hit Send, her chest heaving as if she'd been shouting the words instead of typing them. Her head fell back against her pillow, and she closed her eyes.

A few minutes later, her phone buzzed, and she thought about ignoring it, but she wasn't very good at ignoring anything, so she turned it over and checked her notifications.

Leigh-Anne: What, now you're ignoring me?

Leigh-Anne: Real mature, Perrie.

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