Bears and Cinnamon Buns

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Summary: Jade doesn't hate her job, but she certainly doesn't like it. At least, not until the girl from the food court starts giving her free food and drinks.

Or, the one where Perrie works at the mall and has an unlikely savior in the form of its mascot – Benny the Bear.

When Perrie rolled out of bed this morning, she had a gut feeling that today was going to be good. As far as she can tell, her gut can go to hell.

"I'm not paying for a fucking cup of water."

Perrie subtlety grasps the cup and tries to slide it back towards her, away from the towering man in front of her. "I'm sorry. It's store policy – a cup of water is 25 cents."

If Perrie's being completely honest, she hates the policy too, but it's her job and her ass on the line if the owner of the establishment, finds out she's been handing out water cups for free. Her manager was cool, giving them free sweet buns and drinks, but he didn't have as much swing as he liked to think and Perrie was not up to getting fired today. Her hand grabs the cup, but a much larger hand covers her and grips tightly, nearly smushing the fragile plastic cup between them.

"What if I died of dehydration?" The man's broad features stare her and Perrie glares back angrily. She wasn't paid enough to deal with this politely.

"Then I'd call the ambulance." She spits out, yanking back hard, taking the cup with her, but the water is thrust unceremoniously out, splashing right on to the already angry man's face. Perrie is stunned into silence – she was so sure today was going to be a good day. She had a feeling.

"You little bitch!" Without breaking a sweat the man hauls her up by her shoulders and lifts her over the counter, throwing Perrie down into the tiled floor. She bounces hard off one shoulder but manages to protect her head and already knows this is going to hurt in the morning. Her feet slip out from under her when she tries to stand and already the customer is stalking towards her, lip curled up in rage.

The bear comes roaring up behind the man without warning and tackles him to the floor, body slamming into the bulk of a man. Perrie watches in stunned awe as whoever is in the suit manages to pin the much larger guy to the ground, swinging him around and then, basically, jumping on him so that Perrie can see the way he bounces off the tile with the force. A few more swings from the bear and the man is on the ground, barely twitching.

Ellie's got mall security already jogging over, and the bear rises off the semi-conscious man, giving her a small nod and a thumbs up that Perrie hesitantly returns, before silently departing back to its post at the playground where several children are clambering to greet the hero after that impressive display. It's all over in seconds and Perrie isn't sure she took a breath during any of it.

"Perrie! You okay?" Andre, the security guard, comes into view and reaches forward to give her a hand up. Perrie takes it, scrambling to her feet ungracefully.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm fine."

"Did Benny the mall bear just beat up someone?" Andre looks to her for confirmation of the strange sight everyone had seen.

"I mean he started it." Perrie points to the man on the ground. "But yeah. I think so."


Perrie hums and just shakes her head incredulously. "I hate this job."


Perrie's manager offers to let her go home early, but the blonde insists she's fine. Bear attack aside, Perrie still surprisingly has a good feeling about today. A really good feeling.

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