The (Fake) Proposal

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Summary: The one where Jade proposes to Perrie repeatedly at different restaurants just to get free food.

"Wait, didn't we do the proposal at Evergreen's already? Like two months ago?" Jade asks as she puts on her earrings.

Perrie shakes her head. "No, that was Everglow."

"We're going to get caught one day, Perrie."

"Don't worry, baba," Perrie laughs. "We won't."

Jade walks over to Perrie and places a soft kiss on her girlfriend's cheek. "If you say so," she sighs. "I'll grab us an Uber." She unlocks her phone and grabs an Uber that is about 8 minutes out. It was a Saturday night, and they were headed out to a fancy restaurant for dinner. However, this night was a very special night, Jade was going to propose.

Well propose, again.

It all started when Perrie, Leigh-Anne, Andre and herself were having dinner one night and in a string of coincidental mishaps it ended up seeming like Jade was proposing to Perrie during their meal. Of course, all the other diners cheered for them so they just ended up just playing along. When they went to grab their bill the restaurant manager came by and said that it was on the house and wished them a happy engagement.

They did their best to not laugh out loud on the spot. They took their free meal and headed out the door before they lost it. Both Perrie and Jade were cool with it. It didn't create any weird vibe or awkward conversation. At that point they had been together for just over a year and a half and there was no doubt that they loved each other – it was just a little too early to be talking about marriage.

But after that, when they were walking back to their apartments Leigh-Anne had put forth a challenge.

"Hey, you know what would be cool?" Leigh-Anne asks as she stops walking.

Andre, Perrie and Jade all come to a stop as well. None of them say anything yet as they wait for her to continue.

Leigh-Anne points between Perrie and Jade. "You two should totally fake propose and try and score a free meal again!"

"I don't think we're going to get that lucky," Jade laughs.

Leigh-Anne quirks an eyebrow. "Afraid of a little challenge there?"

Perrie answers first. "What do we get if we're successful?"

"Perrie!" Jade protests.

Perrie kisses Jade's cheek playfully. "Let Leigh-Anne humour us for a minute."

"I will.. buy you a gift card for your favourite coffee shop," Leigh-Anne offers.

"For both of us?" Perrie asks.

Leigh-Anne nods.

Jade sighs internally. The tone in Perrie's voice just told her that her girlfriend was game as ever. Not that it wasn't fun, but it was risky and if they got caught it would be embarrassing as hell. "Why are you betting on us?" Jade asks, trying her best to defuse the moment. "Why don't you and Andre fake propose to get free food."

"Because he can't act." Leigh-Anne sighs in disappointment. "So, what do you say?"

Jade doesn't even get a chance to respond before Perrie is shaking Leigh-Anne's hand.

"It's on," Perrie smirks.


Their second fake proposal was a complete success. Leigh-Anne and Andre sat at a different table and watched as their friends got fake-engaged. The diners once again, cheered for them. Jade wasn't sure that they were going to get a free meal out of it though – but when the cheque came around it just so happens that a random guest had paid for their meal and left a note that said, "Congrats on your engagement!"

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