To The Zoo!

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Normal P.O.V:

It was Death P.A.C.T's club meeting for the week, the group was making small talk when Liy and Pie both walk in with a hat and some strips of paper.

Liy: Alright everyone, we've all done a good job this semester preventing death and/or other atrocities (some more than others), so Pie and I have figured we'll be having a little outing this weekend after Friday.

Bottle: Ooh! I love these, The S! once went out on a tour of Yellow Face's Warehouse.

Pie: Here some paper strips and write your trip ideas to put in the hat.

Liy: And no crazy suggestions like Six Flags Pen...

Pen subtly tosses his paper away and grabs another one, once everyone had put their ideas in the hat Liy grabs it and shakes it lightly.

Liy: And this weekend Death P.A.C.T. is going... to the Zoo.

Bottle & Remote: Yay!

Bottle: Oh you chose the zoo too?

Remote: Yes.

Black Hole: What's a zoo?

Lightning: The Zoo is like a museum but with live animals from around the world.

Black Hole: That actually sounds fascinating.

Liy: The Zoo it it then, Now I have a dentist appointment to get too this afternoon so.. meeting adjourned early. See you all tomorrow.

-Later that weekend-

Death P.A.C.T. has gathered in the Zoo parking lot where Pie was waiting. Liy came up holding a leash attached to a harness worn by Pillow.

Black Hole: Uuuhh...

Liy: I know what you're thinking, and this is necessary. From what I heard from Book the last time she was at the Zoo she literally released the tigers!

Pillow: They should put doors on the cages if they didn't want them opened. Honestly that's on them.

Tree: Yeah I wouldn't blame you for having to make a drastic choice Liy.

Lightning: I got my camera, I'm gonna get so many awesome pics for my Instagram. Smile!

The club grouped up for a photo, once Lightning hit the button everyone (but BH) covered their eyes due to the flash.

Most of Death P.A.C.T.: OH!/ My eyes!/ That's too bright!

Lightning: Whoops, I should probably lower the flash rate...

The team then took a map each and went on in to see some animals, starting with the giraffes.

Marker: Giraffes are so funny looking. Haha, look at their necks.

Black Hole: So that's what they are.

Lightning flies up to one of the giraffes as they're eating and holds his camera up.

Lightning: Say cheese fella. *snap*

Giraffe: @_@'

Next they looked at the gorillas, Black Hole found them rather interesting as he watched them sit around or play with a old tire.

Next they looked at the gorillas, Black Hole found them rather interesting as he watched them sit around or play with a old tire

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