Fun and Games

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Black Hole's P.O.V:

Since I couldn't find Gaty as school yesterday decided I'll have to postpone that plan for today and go for a little walk er... float around the city and maybe think to myself for a moment. 

Love... how exactly does that work..? As rare as I ever do I think back to my past in space long before I found Earth, black holes like myself aren't know to have many of these emotions like other cosmic entities we're often just well.. empty. I suppose that's normal for something born to destroy it makes that a little easier... And about being born, I technically was born asexually but how does that tie in with love? Can stars fall in love with other stars? Would something like that be how black holes come to be?

Black Hole: Ugh, I'm only giving myself more questions than answers at this rate, I might even be having what they call an existential crisis!

Suddenly my phone goes off and I check who's calling, it's Ruby. I decide to pick up.

Ruby: Hey Black Hole? Whatcha up to this fall break?

Black Hole: Just kinda questioning my existence at the moment.

Ruby: Ooh fun. Oh, you will not believe this... there's a tall shady guy standing on the side of the road that looks weirdly like you, I think I'm about to hit him.

Black Hole: Wait what?

I turn to see a pink mobility device on wheels driving right towards me. I dodge to the side not really to avoid getting hurt but to avoid one of Earth's method of ground transportation from getting damaged. The vehicle makes an abrupt stop with just one wheel on the sidewalk, the window then rolls down to show why am I not surprised? Ruby..

Ruby: You look just like my friend! :)

Black Hole: Yeah because that's me!

Ruby: Ooooh... oopsies.

Black Hole: Are you even supposed to be driving this whatever it is?

Ruby: Uh Yeah, I have my license. And this is the Freesmart Van, also it's not exactly mine.. It belongs to Pencil but she lets me use it sometimes! (As long as I don't crash it.)

Black Hole: Ah.. What are you doing anyway?

Ruby: Oh, I was just heading to the Arcade for some fun times. 

Black Hole: The Arcade huh? I don't think I've ever been.

Ruby: The Arcade's a place full of cabinets where you play games on them, you can even get tickets which you exchange for PRIZES! Hey, how about you come along with me?

Black Hole: Hmm, I don't see why not. Might help get my mind off a few things...

Ruby: Okay then hop on in!

I look inside of the van when she opened the door. Looks to be a little uh compact...

Black Hole: Inside there? Mm, I don't know... I think I'm better off flying there. I'll just follow you over to the arcade.

Ruby: If you say so!

Ruby closes the van's door and starts driving again, while I follow behind and pretty much just hover over the van the rest of the way there.


Normal P.O.V:

The two arrive to their destination, after Ruby found a parking spot she and Black Hole met up front.

Ruby: Can I ask, why wouldn't you ride into the van? It would be a good experience for you to learn how riding one is like, or even how to drive.

Black Hole: Oh I know how riding a vehicle works, I've seen a lot on tv, I just don't I can handle sitting in one of those things, especially if compacted with other people.

Ruby: So... would you say you're um claustrophobic?

Black Hole: Claustrophobic? What does that mean?

Ruby: It means you're either afraid or uncomfortable in confined spaces.

Black Hole: I'm usually impervious to fear but... yeah I'd say so.

Ruby: Well that's always a good thing to know.

Once inside the space anomaly is met with lots of neon colors/lights and an ambience of 8-bit sounds, aforementioned arcade cabinets align across the walls and all over the place in general. Ruby and Black Hole look around when they find an arcade cabinet with the title "Centipede" on top, Marker is seen playing it.

Marker: YES! Eat my darts Centipede!

Black Hole: Marker? What are doing here?

Marker: Hey guys, I'm gaming obviously. Hey, is this your first time at the Arcade Black Hole?

Black Hole: Yeah actually um what game is this?

Marker: It's called Centipede, you basically have to shoot the centipede and other bugs that come down from the top of the screen, but if you shoot the centipede's body it'll split into two so you'll have to hit it's head.

Ruby: Go one try it!

Ruby hands Black Hole a quarter, after Marker explains the controls on the arcade he puts in the slot and plays. It unfortunately wasn't long before he lost all his lives though in which he groans with mild annoyance.

Game: Game Over! Try Again.

Black Hole: agh... there were too many of those thingies blocking my shots.

Marker: yeah, I don't usually like those mushrooms either...

Ruby: Ooh Ohh! Let me show you one Of my favorites!

Ruby grabs Black Hole by the arm and takes him to a game called "Whack-A-Mole".

Ruby: The way this works is very simple, You take this hammer and hit the moles that pop out of the holes, the faster you react the higher the score! Watch how I do it.

After placing a quarter in it's slot the game begins, Black Hole observes as she hits each mole one by one eventually reaching a scare of 3,500 points and earning some tickets.

Ruby: NICE, Seven tickets! Now you try it. They're sturdy little rascals so you'll have to hit em hard.

Marker walks up to watch this with Ruby as Black Hole starts the game.


Black Hole:  oops...

Ruby:    O:

Marker: D:

Black Hole: I think I hit them too hard...

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Ahh.. Nothing like some arcade fun with friends, what could go wrong?)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now