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Liy's P.O.V: Math

I really don't like this class.. not because of the subject, because of the teacher 4, they have to little chill to be a teacher here rumor has it that their.. 'friend' X acts as their moral compass they used to be their assistant before becoming a teacher in Art class, I wish I had them both as my math teachers in those days. Oh well, 4 takes role call pretty simple they call students by name we show we're present.

4: Vortex..


4: *ahem* Vortex.

4 starts to get impatient, likely impatient enough to screech, thankfully I'm here.

Liy: Uh, pretty sure he's absent 4!

4: ugh, that's the third time this week! 

I can actually agree with them on this one ever since Picture Day, Vortex hasn't been coming to school much.. I'm actually a little concerned for him.

~time skip Art class~

Speaking of X, they are my art teacher probably the nicest teacher in Dream Island Academy, this class is also the only one in which most of my fellow Death P.A.C.T.ers are at the same time as me unfortunately Vortex doesn't have this class. X lets us have a free period today, this is a good chance to discuss about Vortex's streak of absence.

Tree: So I take it he wasn't in any of your classes today either?

Liy: You know it.

Remote: I cannot do another chemistry session all by myself, it's too much to handle even for a machine.

Liy: This is very unlike him to miss this much...

Pen: Well it's not like we check up on him, we don't have his phone number and come to think of it, NOBODY knows where he lives. He's more reclusive than Fan, and he's a gamer.

Paintbrush: Cabby might. Couldn't help but overhear your conversation, Cabby is part of the student council and is always at the Archives.

Tree: What exactly are you saying Paintbrush?

Paintbrush: Isn't it obvious? She's often happy to let others look into the files so long as you ask nicely, I'm sure she can help you guys find where you're friend lives.

Pen: Okay then, I'll go ask her then after class.

Tree: And you'll fill us in on how Vortex is doing right?

Pen: Oh yeah, totally.

Later Pen's P.O.V:

Welp here are the archives, the place in which information of the school, staff and students is stored. I open the door and let myself in.

Pen: Uhh.. Hello? Anyone here?

I look around for a bit until I found her.

Cabinet: What brings you here Ben?

Pen: Oh, hi. Umm... here's the thing everyone calls me Pen so..

Cabinet: That's fair, well nobody comes here just to chat. What or who do you need to look into?

Pen: Well you see I have this friend who's been absent for days now, I want to check in on him but I don't know where he lives so.. do you even have that kind of info?

Cabinet: Well of course I do. Prey tell who is this friend?

Pen: Oh it's Vortex.

Cabinet: Vortex I see... well there was a file of him here... however a week ago it appears to have been stolen!

Pen: Oh man that's no good!

Cabinet: Worry not, I have the location of which he resides memorized. Here I'll write you the address.

She proceeds to do so on a sticky note and hands it to me and I head out.

Pen: Thanks!

Cabinet: You're very much welcome, oh and if you find the thief tell them I want that file back!

Pen: Will do!


The end of school, I text my Dad that I'm gonna visit a friend so he doesn't get worried then I get on my bike and ride to where Cabinet's note says.

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