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Golf Ball's P.O.V:

I sit still at the table behind Death P.A.C.T's at lunch, my sight is only on the not so new student Vortex.  If I were to ask you who was the weirdest or clearly not normal you're likely to argue it being David or Dora which I can agree, the fact they are something called "human" is strange but at least they seem natural. Vortex on the other foot.. make no mistake his looks.. his behavior.. nothing about him looks natural or even of this world. 

And if no one is gonna question this, then I'll be the one to get to the bottom of this however I see it fit! Tennis Ball walks up to me right on time.

TB: Okey GB I'm here, what did you want to discuss?

GB: TB, what do you know about Vortex?

TB: oh, uuh.. he's on Death P.A.C.T, he's nice, he's uuuhh......

GB: Exactly! No one knows anymore than that! Last I checked, we don't even know what he is!

TB: Well, his name is 'Vortex' so maybe he's a vortex.

GB: I have already made that theory but it only opened up more questions, vortex can mean anything!

I get out my journal and show TB my notes on things that match the discription of a 'vortex'.

GB: For example, he can't be a whirlpool because he shows no traits in being a water based object like Bubble or Teardrop. And if he was a whirlwind then he would have to show some resemblance to Cloudy...

TB: What about a wormhole?

GB: Run that by me again?

TB: So I have language Arts and Math with him right?

I nod as he's not wrong, which is one the many reasons I need his help with this investigation.

TB: I've seen him toss some small things in his face or head altogether and it just disappears not to be seem again. Maybe he's a living portal to another universe or something.

GB: TB normally I'd say you've been reading to many of your science fiction novels, but this time I think you might be on to something! Ok here's what I'll do, I throw this fork to his head and we see what happens.


I aim very carefully and time it just right so I don't hit anyone else...

Black Hole's P.O.V: 

I chat with my friends about some things, one thing we did today involved an ICRC (Ice Cube Recovery Center).

BH(Vortex:) It certainly was something, I don't even know how it got up there. But it's back on solid ground now and even Ice Cube is fine.

Tree: Yeah, out of anything Blocky could do with those, I never expected him to attach it to a spring.

Pen: Yeah Blocky can surprise you sometimes, by the way Vortex I know you wear a hoodie but I don't think I've seen you with the hood up, can you maybe pull it up so I can see what look like with it?

BH(Vortex): I don't see why not.

I pull the hood over my head and show everyone which had fairly simple thoughts about it, but suddenly I feel something impact the back of my head, it didn't hurt but in instinct of acting normal I flinched.

BH(Vortex): ow!

Pie: Are you okay Vortex?

BH(Vortex): Yeah, I think something hit me...

I turn around to see what that might've been but no one was there, hm could've sworn someone was sitting there.

Death P.A.C.T: oooh!

BH(Vortex): What?

Remote: There's a fork jammed in your head.

Fanny: I hate forks!!

BH(Vortex): HUH!?

I took my hood down and feel around but nothing. Just then Pen slightly pulls at my hood and pulls the fork off of it.

Pen: Wait.. It wasn't jammed in your head, It got caught in your really thick hood.

Oh that's what that was, well now I know this outfit is going it's job, That job is being a barrier to stop items and especially people from getting sucked into my body.

Tree: But how did it get there?

Bottle: Gelatin is know to throw forks, maybe it was him.

Bottle points us to a table where Gelatin is sitting with some friends. I take the fork from Pen and get up.

BH(Vortex): Ok I'll go ask him.

I float over to Gelatin's table and tap on his shoulder.

Gelatin: Huh, Oh hey Vortex, thanks for saving my life yesterday.

BH(Vortex): It's no problem.

Taco: What brings you here? Something you wanted to talk to us about?

BH(Vortex): Pretty much yeah. Gelatin I'm not mad but did you throw this?

I show him the fork and he takes a look at it.

Donut: Why would you be mad about a fork being thrown? Let me guess, it hit you?

BH(Vortex): Well yes and no. It's hard to explain.

Gelatin: Well it can't be me that threw it, cause I haven't done anything like that in quite some time.

Donut: And we all appreciate that Gelatin, really we do.

Nickel: But if it wasn't Gelatin, then who's throwing forks now?

BH(Vortex): no idea, but if guys find anything out let me know.

Golf Ball's P.O.V:

Tennis Ball and I hide under the table when the fork hit him instead of disappearing

GB: Well that didn't work...

TB: Maybe I wasn't onto something after all.

GB: That's just fine, no one said science was easy. We'll figure this out, we just need a different plan.

~To be Continued~

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