~New Friend~

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Black Hole's P.O.V: 

I've pretty much been doing a little thing called cleaning, which is something people do on a regular basis for certain reasons, reason 1 is something about health and reason 2 is keeping your space more presentable. I'm not affected by anything "health" concern wise so I'm just tidying up for the sake of making my place look better especially since now some of my friends know where I live.  Just then I hear something interesting..

???: {At first I was afraid I was petrified, Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side...  But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong And I grew strong, and I learned how to get along, And so you're back from outer space~}

It would seem someone was speaking very loudly about someone with some equally loud arranged noises, I couldn't but not ignore it, after those specific words I put my broom down and head down into the hall to room 16 (This is pretty far considering my short hearing range).

???: {I just walked in to see you here with that sad look upon your face, I should've changed that stupid lock I should've made you leave your key If I known for just one second you'd come back to bother me. Go on now, go, walk out the door Just turn around now 'Cause you're not welcome anymore~...}

I see that the door was unlocked so I open it to see what's going on only not just for the strange noise to become more clear (and slightly louder) but also to see a taller slender object speaking along to the voice and sounds coming out of some machine, right in the middle of the room she was also making some erratic movements as she spoke. Right this moment I can tell this was another thing the residents of this planet do but what exactly is it?

???: {Weren't you the one that tried to hurt me with goodbye? Did you think I'd crumble? Did you think I'd lay down and die? Oh no ,not I! I will survive as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay al-AAH!

She finally notices my presence, the sounds and other voice keep going for a few seconds until she turns the machine off.

???: UH..? HIYA!

Even with the now returned silence her voice was still extremely loud for the normal object... luckily I'm not normal.

BH(Vortex): Hi there

She then presses a button that's exposed on her chest and now she's talking in a normal volume.

???: Hey uh If you came to complain-

BH(Vortex): Oh I'm not here to complain, I just came cuz I was curious. 

???: Oh! Well that's good, nice to meet you. I'm Microphone though others call me Mic for short but as you can tell I'm a microphone. And you must be uuh.. uhhh...  

Microphone: hehe, forgive me for ask but.. what exactly are you? I can't really tell.

BH(Vortex): Well uh my species is a personal thing, but my name, is Vortex. Say, aren't you in Pen's gym class?

Microphone: You go to school too!? Yeah I am in gym with Pen, he's pretty funny sometimes. So.. how long were you watching and what did you think of my performance?

Her cable tail wags calmy for my answer, I can tell that whatever she was doing she's eager about it.

BH(Vortex): Not long, and um.. It's certainly new that's for sure, the building is usually rather quiet.

Microphone: Well not for long, as I'm technically your new neighbor.

Oh so that's what those boxes being taken inside this room were for!

BH(Vortex): Oh cool, welcome to Starline Apartments. You have quite the set up in here.

I look around as I say that, Mic's room is filled with posters and she has more decorative furniture in here than my room for obvious reasons, it's very well decorated with things I'll probably only understand later on as I get to know her.

Microphone: Yep, I'm not one to be afraid to show my passion for music. Hey is it okay if I check out your place? You seem pretty cool.

BH(Vortex): I don't see why not, we are neighbors after all.

I lead Mic to my apartment and when we get in side I reach into a fridge to hand her a soda. I sorta expected her to make the same comment about my interior as the other visitors have but she thought different.

Microphone: Nice interior.

BH(Vortex): You actually think so?

Microphone: Well yeah, plenty of open spaces the glowing stars are a nice touch too. Oh thank you.

We both sit down on my sofa she sips on her Bubbly pop and I open a bag a pretzels for me to still appear normal I only toss one into my illusion of a mouth at a time.

BH(Vortex): So what made you think I went to your place to complain?

Microphone: Well, in case you couldn't tell I am really loud and it dose come in handy when I use my amplified voice right, but not many people seem to appreciate an ability such as mine, in fact most of them find my amplification with my outspoken personality as a hinderance and to quote people from middle school "A hazard to the ears".

BH(Vortex): mm, I know what that's like. I have a lot of superpowered abilities can are proven to be really dangerous but I can use them rather well, In addition to your sound thing I don't think it's annoying or any of that.

She looks to me with curiosity as well slight delight, I continue with my thoughts on her skills.

BH(Vortex): In fact, I'm quite impressed with them. I'm not that well know for my sense of  hearing, it usually doesn't matter how loud you'd shout if you're too far I won't be able to hear you.

Microphone: Oh dear...

BH(Vortex): When I followed the sounds of your... music I found out that your room was just outside the short range of my hearing and yet I still heard you all that way from my own home. That is pretty impressive.

Microphone smiles with glee and we have a nice chat about ourselves, eventually it was time for me to go to work.

Microphone: See you at school tomorrow?

BH(Vortex): Yeah.

~To be Continued~

(Author's Note: Would you believe me if I said I was actually listening to the song Mic was singing as I wrote this?  XD)

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