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Pen's P.O.V: 

Black Hole had brought me somewhere claiming to has gotten an idea to help me win Pencil back, though I'm rather lost.

Pen: So tell me again, why are we at The Clubhouse of Awesomeness again?

Black Hole: I heard from Ruby that Pencil and Match are going to be here tonight, I did some research and they even have something called Karaoke. Uh can you sing by any chance? 

Pen: Mmm, I'm decent at best. OH! I get it. 

Pen: ......

Pen: Buuut just in case, could you explain your plan?

Black Hole: *whisper whisper*

Pen: Ooh gotcha.

As we go inside Black Hole says he'll be at one of the tables far from the dance floor watching, I look around for Pencil and low & behold there she is sitting at the smoothie bar with her bestie.

Eraser: Hey Pen.

Pen: HUH? Oh, Hey Eraser. What are you doing here?

Eraser: I show off my moves to the nerds every other Friday night, what are you doing here?

Pen: Uh..

I just realized something, Eraser and Match weren't too fond of mine and Pencil's relationship, telling my best friend I plan to get back together with my ex might not be the best idea.

Pen: Well just to umm...

Eraser: You're getting back with Pencil, aren't ya?

Pen: WAT!? pht! Naooo uh maybe...

Eraser: Pen, as cool as you are you're not to slick, I can read you like Book.

Pen: *sigh* You're right, but you didn't really like me and her being together.

Eraser: That was mostly cuz I never trusted her, and she was annoying. Buuut... I've heard about her making self improvements..

Oh that must've been after Black Hole and Fanny confronted Iance and Freesmart was restored.

Eraser: If this decision is one you made yourself, then I guess I'll tolerate it. Go get her tiger.

Pen: Really? Cool! You're the best Eraser!

Eraser: (but if she breaks his heart, I'll cut her.)

Normal P.O.V: 

Pen gets to the karaoke stage and scrolls through some songs and stops at a certain one with a smirk.

Pen: (Oh perfect!)

Black Hole observes from the wall not to close to the bar Pencil and Match are sitting with their smoothies, he wears his hood up as to not be seen as easily.  He 'sips' from his own and the music starts Match points Pencil out the karaoke station where Pen is.

Pen: Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you I drink to much and that's an issue, but I'm okay. Hey, tell your friends it was nice to meet them but I hope I never see them again.~

Pencil watches with a slight interest, this was after all her favorite song.

Pen: I know it breaks your heart moved to the city in a broke-down car and four years, no calls now you're lookin' pretty in a hotel bar and I-I-I can't stop. No, I-I-I can't stop. So, baby, pull me closer in the backseat of your rover that I know you can't afford bite that tattoo on your shoulder pull the sheets right off the corner of the mattress that you stole from your roommate back in boulder we ain't ever getting older.~

Pen: We ain't ever getting older.~

As Pencil reaches for her smoothie she finds that a second microphone was placed next to her, she looks to Match who was as confused as her, she looks back to Pen and clutches the said microphone as an unlikely thought comes to her.

Pen: We ain't ever getting older.~

Pencil: You look as good as the day I met you I forget just why I left you, I insane.~

Much to (almost) everyone's and even Pen's surprise Pencil gets up and sings the female part towards him and she approaches further to the stage. He decides to get off thinking she would want the spotlight but while still on the floor just Infront of the stage she stops him.

Pencil: Stay and play that blink 182-song that we beat to death in tucson, okay.~

Pencil: I know it breaks your heart moved to the city in a broke-down car and four years, no calls now I'm lookin' pretty in a hotel bar and I-I-I can't stop. No, I-I-I can't stop.~

Pen & Pencil: So, baby, pull me closer in the backseat of your rover that I know you can't afford bite that tattoo on your shoulder pull the sheets right off the corner of the mattress that you stole from your roommate back in boulder we ain't ever getting older.~

Match watches them from her seat still uncertain of what to think of why Pencil going up to Pen and sing what used to be their song with him. Just them Eraser takes a seat to the other side of her.

Eraser: You know what this can lead to don't you?

Match: Huh? What do mean?

Eraser: Don't play dumb now, we both know we didn't like that those two were dating before. Pen is pretty much trying to get back with her.

Match lowers her head with the thought

Match: I.. I don't want to risk losing her.

Eraser: Hey, I may not be that much of a people person but I know for a fact that besties don't leave their other for their lover. 

Eraser: You want what's best for her, right? So do I for Pen. Maybe it'll be best for all of us we give it another chance.

Match: ..... Maybe you're right.

Eraser and Match clink their smoothie cups together in a formal fashion and watch the chemistry build.

Pen: So, baby, pull me closer in the backseat of your rover that I know you can't afford bite that tattoo on your shoulder pull the sheets right off the corner of the mattress that you stole from your roommate back in boulder we ain't ever getting older.~

Pen, (Pencil): We ain't ever getting older.. (No we ain't ever getting older)~ X4

The two slowly spin each other on stage as they sing.

Pencil: Yeah!~

Pen & Pencil: We ain't ever getting older.~ (Pencil: yeah~)

Pen & Pencil: No, we ain't ever getting older~

The song ends with Pen holding Pencil in his arm, she immediately pulls him in for a kiss in which he kisses back for a short minute.

Black Hole gives a thumbs up In Pen's direction slightly nodding proudly.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: phew. Man is writing chapter with song hard. Anyway I would like to make somethings clear: Pen X Pencil [won't even use the ship's "name"] will NOT be a mainline ship in the AU, it'll pretty much be subtle with small mentions here and there. As for Eraser and Match, they are NOT gonna be paired at any point of time so don't panic over the idea that they might fall in love [which they won't], Thank you for reading and understanding)

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