Tricks & Treats

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Normal P.O.V:

It is now Halloween night and just about everyone is out and about, Pen is taking Black Hole out trick-or-treating until they reach the point some of the Death P.A.C.T.ers and them are going to meet before heading to Marshmallow's party.

*knock knock knock*

after knocking an elderly ball of twine opens her door to see the two teens in their costumes.

Pen and BH: Trick or treat.

Old lady: Oh what impressive costumes we have here, oh and don't you look like the embodiment of death itself ho. You dear get something special.

Black Hole: Death itself??

She hands Black Hole and king sized candy bar.

Black Hole: Whoa this is a big one.

Pen: Lucky!

Black Hole: Pen, who or what exactly is a Grim Reaper?

Pen: Oh. The Grim Reaper is a personification of death and is known to reap the souls of those who's time has come or at least guide fallen souls to the afterlife, there's a lot of interpolations of the guy. But he's always described as a dark being that dons a black cloak and carries a scythe.

Black Hole: I see...

Pen: Pretty ironic that I chose that for your DIY costume eh?

Black Hole: Yeah, but next year... I decide what costume to make.

Pen shrugs without argument on Black Hole.

Pen: Fair enough.

Eventually Black Hole and Pen come across Liy, Remote and Pie each of them also in costume. Liy's costume consisted of a flannel vest and over her face hangs a hocky mask slatted with red as well as on the clothing in one hand she holds a very likely fake bloody knife, Pie has her body wrapped in bandages meaning she's a mummy, and Remote... is a battery....

Liy: There you guys are, Interesting costume choice Black Hole.

Black Hole: This was actually Pen's idea.

Liy: Oh, that makes more sense then.

Remote: I am a battery! :D

Pen: I can see that. So, the others didn't show?

Pie: Pillow wasn't invited to the party, Marker Bottle and Lighting went ahead and Fanny decided to go with Bubble.

Liy: Tree is supposed to meet us here though-

A loud rustling can be heard from the shrubs next to them, followed by some eerie groans, just then a dead looking plant based object with old torn clothing lunges out from the shrubbery right at Death P.A.C.T and yells

Dead Plant: LEEEAAVESSS...!

Everyone but BH: AAAAAAHH!

Black Hole: | T

The dead looking plant stops in it's tracks and begins to laugh, failing to keep a straight face.

"Dead" Plant: Snrrk- hehehe... hahaHAHAHA...!

Liy: Huh? Wait a minute, TREE!!

Tree: HAHAhahaha.. You should've seen your faces.. hahaha, oh m-my sides.

Pen: I had no idea Tree has a mischievous side to him.

Black Hole: Wait is that actually you Tree?

Tree: Yup, how do you like my zombie costume?

Black Hole: W-what happened to your leaves??

Tree: Oh, well I did say I didn't have to worry about losing them in the fall or winter, I kinda had to cut it all off for the sake of the costume. But it's no worries, I've got some fertilizer at home bring back my leafage by tomorrow.

Black Hole: That's a thing?

Tree nods

Tree: Shall we get going then?

Liy: Yeah we should.

The group then makes way to Marsh's Halloween Party.

Black Hole: So remind me where is Marsh's party?

Pen: At her place, as per usual.

Tree: Wait, but doesn't she live at *gulp* Purgatory Mansion?

Black Hole: What about Purgatory Mansion?

Liy: Rumor has it that Purgatory Mansion is incredibly haunted with ghosts, and yet Marsh and Apple choose to move in to that abandoned home.

Black Hole: Ghosts?

Remote: Ghost; noun, an apparition of a deceased person which is believed to appear or manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image.

Tree: I'm sure he knows what a ghost is Remote, we've both seen a movie about them together.

Black Hole nods with a small smile.

Pen: Yeah well is Marsh and Apple have been living there for literally a year it's probably fine. And even then, ghost aren't real they're just made up things like werewolves or aliens.

Black Hole: Uh actually aliens do-

Pen: C'mon while the night's still young!

Pen runs ahead to Purgatory Mansion with the rest of the group running to catch up.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Posting the Halloween parts a little early as I don't think I'll be able to write them on the actual Halloween day)

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