The Losers! Concert

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Normal P.O.V: 

The concert performed by Loser and his club was about to start at the school gym, just about everyone there had arrived and seated. Cake peeks outside the curtains to see the crowd and gulps nervously.

Cake: Gee, there's an awful lot of people out there...

Loser: Don't worry Cake, we're all in this together. When we put our hearts into it there's nothing we can't achieve together.

Leafy: So inspirational, I see why the club was dedicated to him now.

Firey: Right!? 

Clock looks out the curtains and spots his idol Winner sitting with the other members of The S!, he wished they would perform to but they made their choice of resigning and he'll have to accept that, right now he has to focus on backstage work for the show.

Loser: Are you guys ready? 

Leafy, Firey and Cake: YEAH!

Tree: I'm soo excited, oh Black Hole there you are.

Black Hole: Hey Tree. 

The lights dim, the curtains open, and one at a time the spotlights turn on revealing the band in order. Leafy on the bass, Cake on guitar, Firey on the drums and last but not least as the music starts Loser jumps out from a trap door and goes to town!

Loser: Don't wanna live as an untold story, rather go out in a blaze of glory I can't hear you, I don't fear you! I'll live now cause the bad die last dodging bullets with your broken past, I can't hear you I don't fear you, now! Wrapped in your regret, what a waste of blood and sweat woah-oh-ooooh...~

Black Hole: Dang, I didn't think he'd sing so well with that wheezy voice.

Mic: He can surprise you in many ways..

Loser: I wanna taste love and pain, wanna feel pride and shame. I don't wanna take my time, don't wanna waste one line. I wanna live better days never look back and say 'Could have been meeee, Could have been meeee" YEAH!!~

Loser: Don't wanna live as an unsung melody, I rather listen to the silence telling me I can't hear you, I won't fear you! Don't wanna wake up on a Monday morning, the thought of work is getting my skin crawling, I can't fear you, I don't hear you nooow! Wrapped in your regret, what a waste of blood and sweat woah-oh-ooooh...~

Winner: He's really having a good time up there.

Bottle: I bet you had fun up there too back then.

Loser: I wanna taste love and pain, wanna feel pride and shame. Don't wanna take my time, don't wanna waste one line...,

Winner reached into their pocket and shows Bottle a headworn microphone that matches Loser's.

Winner: Loser and I used to sing that song all the time as kids, it was what inspired us to become famous in the first place.

They look at the microphone solemnly and Bottle notices this.

Bottle: Do you by chance miss performing, even a little?

Winner: Well, part of me wants to go up there and join him. But I'm not sure if that'll work out.

Bottle: Well I know it'll make Clock happy...

Loser: ...I wanna live better days never look back and say "could have been meeee, Could have been meeee, Yeah!!~ HEY-

Suddenly Winner jumps onto the stage wearing his headworn microphone leading the chorus, Loser stands there surprised. When Winner winked at him with a cheerful grin they both started going together.

Winner (w/The Losers): I wanna taste love and pain, wanna feel pride and shame. Don't wanna take my time,(Noo!) don't wanna waste one line.(Hey, heeeey!) I wanna live better days,(Just better!) never look back and say...~

Winner and Loser: Could have been meeee, Could have been me! It could have been meee, It could have been me! I wanna taste love and pain, wanna feel pride and shame. I don't wanna waste my time, don't wanna waste one line. I wanna live better days, (Just better!) never look back and say could have been meeee, It could have been me! Could have been meeee, It could have been me!~

Winner & Loser: YEAH!!~

The duo then finish off with their trademark high five that they used to do every concert and the crowd stands up going wild with the applause. Loser, Winner, with Firey Leafy and Cake all take a bow.

Cake: Loser that was amazing! Having Winner hop on mid song without us knowing was genius!

Loser: Thank you Cake but, I didn't ask Winner to do that.

Cake: Huh?

Winner: Just like old times eh?

Loser nods with a pleasant smile when some 'random' voice cheers...

Clearly not Clock: ENCORE!

The Losers + Winner: ???

Soon enough the entire crowd was chanting for an encore.

Leafy: What does 'encore' mean..?

Winner: It means they want us to sing again.

Loser: We mustn't disappoint our fans now..

Firey: Ok. 1.. 2.. 1, 2, 3, 4!!!

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: I've been listening to this exact song almost everyday! And it pretty much gave my brain the best idea for a chapter so far. You're welcome.)

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